I want to be alone somtimes and I am extremely busy with school, I told my girlfriend this and she said it’s okay but then few days later she keeps getting mad and getting her friends to message me about the situation. –

Today her friend said “if you don’t give her attention, someone else will”

That sounds kinda bad and I dont know what to do.

  1. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to have time to yourself, being busy with school is also understandable. You have made it clear you can’t give her attention all of the time, even as an adult you can’t pull it off. You’ll end up busier in college or getting a job right outside of graduation.

    What is extremely childish is having her friends message you. Her friend isn’t wrong but the priority is school first.

    But it does sound like y’all aren’t for each other

  2. Let her do that she sounds immature and controlling and she’s only 16 run dude

  3. Let someone else give her attention. She’s high maintenance and you’ve got more important things to do.

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