My husband enjoys BDSM and specifically being a sub/humiliation. I’m open to trying many things and we have tried the dynamic for a while. He really loved it and I did not. However, I am wondering if anyone has had success in training themselves to enjoy something like this? I don’t have a moral/whatever objection to it, it’s just not what currently “does it” for me.

  1. I (M56) think yes you can. You only need to fine tune your enjoyment receptor.

    Mostly, we all get some sort of joy and pleasure from doing some of the things that our partners enjoy. Seeing them so enveloped in pleasure is pure joy.

    I guess the first question is, do you not enjoy being domme or do you not enjoy him being sub. Sort that one out first. Then really communicate with each other what it takes implement the dynamic and where the red lines are and the grey areas are.

    Maybe dress up is what it takes or maybe just a really assertive approach.

    But I do also know that there are ‘turn off’ points too. So if the whole scenario is a turnoff then you won’t be able to train yourself to do it.

    Unless you remove sex from the dynamic. Play domme/sub out of the bedroom and see if that has any benefit. Then it’s a pure clinical response to his needs that might carry over to sex.

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