Looking for answers from anyone who’s into women. I’ve seen discourse about dating as single mums with men, or single dads with women, but not really wlw relationships where a child is involved.

What is your stance? Why/why not? Would it change depending on your age?

  1. I don’t want kids or the responsibility of kids so I’d never date a single parent. Single parents also have extra responsibilities to consider when planning anything and I don’t want that lifestyle

  2. I did for a few months. Her kid was cool. I do have my own kids, too, so we understood each other’s time restrictions.

  3. I would not for the same reason I wouldn’t date someone of any other gender who has children. I’m childfree and not interested in being in any sort of parental or step-parental role at all in my life. Being a good parent comes with a lifetime of responsibilities and obligations that I’ve chosen to opt out of in this lifetime.

  4. I know that that child/children would be first priority for that person and I wouldn’t want to be put on the back burner, obviously the parents going to put their kids first that’s fine. I just don’t want to come second, that’s just me.

  5. Did it with no prejudice whatsoever. Regretted it later when the child started to be disrespectful and say i was not her father. Will never do it again even if it means being single until I die

  6. Forget about the kids for a second, more importantly (in my opinion) single parents tend to be incredibly irresponsible. Obviously there are exceptions but if you end up thinking about dating a single parent be very cautious.

  7. If I found myself single again, I would absolutely not date someone who had minor children or any dependents needing ongoing lifetime care. I’m done with the daily caregiver part of my life. My daughters are raised, I’m a grandmother. I have no interest in regressing back to parenthood.

  8. I don’t want children to be involved in my life whether my own or someone else’s. I could see myself maybe dating women who have teenagers (like 15+), but I don’t yet date people who are old enough to have kids that old.

  9. It’s not a hard no, but the reason to be weary is that you’re not just dating her – you’re not just letting her into your life, but her child and his father as well.

    For me it wouldn’t be a hard no, but definitely requires more “due diligence” during dating before committing to the relationship.

  10. I would date a single parent. I am a mom and if things don’t work with my fiancé, my goal stays the same. I want to build a family with someone who wants the same thing.

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