What’s something you look forward to every single day? 💭

  1. Seeing my fiancé any time of the day (or night, I don’t mind looking at her while she’s asleep)

  2. It ending. It means I’m one day closer to my goals, one day closer to change, and one day closer to something good happening.

  3. Everyday I wake up and can’t wait to get married and have a family.

    If you are referring to something that happens everyday which I look forward to, well that would be getting my work done and being able to be lazy and not feel bad about it.

  4. I wake up early for some quiet time that I can chill on the back deck with a cup of coffee and do whatever I want to for 30 minutes. This isn’t meant to be hateful toward my work, wife, etc. It’s just a half hour that is mine to do with as I please.

    I think a lot of people underestimate starting the day with a moment of peace, but I also think it’s a luxury some people don’t have the option of indulging as well.

  5. Going for long walks around the neighborhood or somewhere scenic like a lakefront, park, forest, etc.

  6. Haha

    * The absence of winter, which comes with committing to living in a tropical climate.
    * Generally peaceful, relaxed, simple life I love
    * Good coffee served at the perfect temperature – a little cooler than hot
    * Contact with any one of those crazy friends of mine
    * Any benefits of “healthy lifestyle” (eating and exercise choices) that decide to feel particularly noticeable that day.
    * Good mattress, good sleep

  7. Those 35 min I have to be alone after I prepared all my stuff for my classes and before my students arrive. I even wake up earlier for that. Because between the classes and the kids at home, it’s the only part of my day when I don’t have to look at the time at all.

  8. Feeding my cats.

    The younger cat is like half-feral and absolutely hates being handled 95% of the time, but those few minutes when he knows that I’m getting his dinner ready he’s the absolute sweetest, friendliest cat in the world.

  9. Getting home from school/practice and collapsing onto my half-assed made bed

  10. Morning cup of coffee, noodling around on guitar, no work no email no phone

  11. Coldbrew coffee before the kids wake up.

    No matter how good a parent you think you are, there is nothing worse than demanding children before you’ve had a chance to caffinate and get right with Jesus.

  12. Drinking a room temperature, sugar free monster energy drink on my nightly commute to my shitty job. That and the few minutes in the morning when I get home I take my dog out for a piss and we look for bugs around the front porch.

  13. When I’m really tired which is most of the time. Getting home after work and laying in a cooled bed.

  14. My husband. Seeing him, hearing him, being near him and spending time with him is what I enjoy more than anything else.

  15. To find a way on how to fix my mental health and also that somehow i become motivated enough to hit the gym.

    Like fr i knew my mental health wasn’t good but i didn’t expected to be in a really bad state

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