I’m(23yo) really curious about this because I found out recently that my refractory period is apparently far from normal?

I normally don’t loose my erection unless I stop stimulating for a while, and I’m almost always ready in under a minute(I guess I could continue as I’m hard but it feels TOO sensitive during those seconds).

I was under the impression that this was normal for other men my age, but apparently it’s more like 5-20 minutes depending on the person? Is this normal?

It’s kind of been annoying as I sometimes want only one quick orgasm but as of lately I can’t stop being horny and I usually end up having 4 o 5…. I guess my libido is really high?

Also, for those of you that have a refractory period; how old are you? How long does it last? Do you loose your erection in between rounds or is it just too sensitive/doesn’t feel good fo a while?


  1. I’m in my 40s so now I need a good 20mins or so before next round, in my 20s however, especially if drugs or alcohol were involved I could easily go 4 or 5 rounds with only a few mins inbetween rounds. Enjoy it while it lasts! While I’m still the same horny guy, with age comes other responsibilities and if we do a couple rounds in a day odds are we’ll both end up sore and not want fun time the next day.

  2. (30m) here. 95% of the time I fuck through my orgasm and keep going until she’s done, there is almost zero chance of a second orgasm for me.

    But if we stop and she wants a second round later, that will be the following day. I am a once a day max guy.

  3. What I thought was normal was to cum. Get sensitive. Lose erection.

    Then wait from 5 minutes to 1 day until you can go again.

    Being in Reddit has pointed out that there are folks who can just keep going.

    To me that is not normal. No matter what age.

  4. I’m in my 40’s and most of the time I have no refractory period. Ever since I started having sex in my teens I’ve never really had one. Now after my first orgasm, it takes15-20 minutes before I will cum again. After two in a row it could be an hour before I will orgasm again. It can be frustrating sometimes because after finishing I’m still hard for a while. That post coitus piss can be very difficult.

  5. At your age I was like you, I could cum and then just keep right on going like nothing happened. Record was 8 times in one session.

    Now (at 38) I have to wait maybe 5 minutes.

  6. I’ve found that for me, it matters as much about my partner as me as to whether I go through a refractory period. Most partners I’ve had, I’d cum and then hit the refractory period and just not be able to push through it and keep fucking her until I cum again, though with my current partner, I can push through most of the time and cum again without issue. I can’t manage three in a row as it takes too long and I’ll get soft.

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