Hey guys, it’s late as here but I can’t sleep, as this is not leaving my mind.

In February I was sexually assaulted by who I thought was one of my closest friends. The person who did this to me, X, has been “friends” with a girl that went to my high school. For context, I met x at a summer job I had and we immediately became incredibly close, and he joined my existing friend group, his only “real friends” at the time. The girl from highschool is a really sweet girl and I see her reply to comments X leaves in her videos on TikTok. They were friends before I met X.

I had heard from people through my old high school that a similar situation has happened to her, and she posted something about hating people who are friends of known abusers. She obviously only know as much as X would have told her; that I blocked him, the girl he was seeing ended things with him and our combined friend group have also blocked him. The only reason I saw these comments is because I follow the girl and didn’t realise he had a TikTok until the comments.

I don’t know if informing her as to his actions is at all my place. He lost all his friends as a result of his awful actions, and it seems all he has left is his online friends, including this girl. However he has taken advantage of, in multiple sense, so many people and I’d hate to see her become one us.

I think I’m just looking for advice on how to approach this, and would I be out of place for telling my story to this girl I barely know because she’s friends with a certified pos? I don’t know if it’s any of my business.

  1. First off, sorry that that happened to you.
    To answer your question.
    Yeah of course, and the police too.
    These people don’t do that kind of shit only once.

  2. First off, I’m very sorry this happened to you. No one should have to live through that. Now as for your question, I think all comes down to your motivations. If your intentions are pure that you solely want to protect this girl from a predator, then you should absolutely tell her. If you’re seeking revenge by trying to isolate him by driving a wedge between him and his friends then you should stay out of it.

  3. I think it’s good to warn but protect yourself and if they don’t believe you, don’t waste time and energy trying to convince them.

    You’ll most likely end up adding more stress to your life than needed.

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