Being ugly and lonely it’s the worse

  1. You know there’s two reason why people stare right? uglyness or they think you’re good looking. How do you know if they think you’re Ugly and not good looking?

  2. Yeah it heaves, but I’d recommend staring right back at them. It makes them feel horrible and cringe. Take the wins where you can get them.

  3. Trust me buddy, and I’m telling you for your good, but nobody gives a single fuck about you, seriously, people (not shitty) just don’t go out there watching or mentioning that kind of stuff because nobody cares, if i were told “hey look that lonely freak” it really would let me know this person it’s a piece of shit and I’m aware lot of people would feel the same

    I were used to feel bad when people laughed at me or at least when I felt like that, but it doesn’t resolve around me, i cannot know their reasons, it might made them remind to an old friend, some funny history they have, anything but nothing against me

    I know it’s hard to believe if you have low self-esteem, but seriously, people just don’t care, just try to tell yourself you are not in their focus

  4. Have you ever thought that, in reality, you hate people staring at you because YOU think you’re ugly?

  5. Bud, that’s your self conscious talking. People don’t like to look at something they find unattractive unless it’s unnatural or distracting like someone being aggressive or shitting on the sidewalk.

    More likely people are looking at you because they’re interested in you. Trust me when I say nobody cares about someone they find unattractive, the last thing they want to do is stare at something unappealing.

  6. I think you’re just projecting. People tend to overestimate how much others know about them and how much they know about others.

  7. I relate to that feeling. I suffer from social anxiety, and on bad days I can’t bring myself to ask questions to shop clerks because I don’t want them to think I’m stupid etc, even though I know that I’m just one of the many people they deal with and they won’t care.

    There’s a web comic series named Dinos and Comics, which features mental health heavily. There’s [one in particular]( that captures the phenomenon of overthinking what people think about you in a very funny way. I hope it’ll bring you laughs.

  8. Smile and wave, gives you a bigger perspective on who they are. I tend to get in my head quite a bit, but always smile and wave. You’d be surprised the reactions you get, not every human being thinks the same, it’s taking me a long time to get over the mental trauma my FAM and ex put me through calling me ugly. Till it got to the point where I didn’t want to go out at all because of my thoughts of their thinking, which I had no clue in reality what they where thinking. Still to this day, I have a hard time approaching women to ask them out because of what I was told in the past. I truly believed them that I was ugly and a piece of shit, it a damn shame people don’t know the pain they cause by words.

    I feel you man, hope everything gets better, we only live once we need to stop worrying about other people and live our lives I guess.

  9. Hey, YOU think that OTHER People think that way. But that’s just because YOU think that way about yourself. You believe that you are ugly and maybe u feel lonely but nobody will walk past you and think the same as you. Because Nobody thinks about you that much except yourself. It’s not negative more a positive thing. People don’t really give a f about others because they are busy with their own lives and also like their own problems etc. Only those, who really suck with life want to spread hate and much time thinking about other people negatively, because of their own selfhate.

  10. It took me forever to understand that I was ugly, but once I understood my ugliness I felt so free. Is not my personality or social awkwardness or “muH ConFIdeNce” is really just a substandard face and height. I’m not below average, I’m just below standard. So much anxiety and negativity was released from my body and life is so much brighter. Embrace your ugly my friends.

  11. Look bro at least you don’t have to experience being with people who make you feel worse than being lonely, count the blessings you do have coz it can be worse.

  12. People dont care about you thing doesn’t work for me, I know they don’t but I still feel like they judge. What worked was something a friend said to me, you don’t owe anyone beauty. I mostly feel like people stare when I enter a lecture hall. I have to remind myself that I’m not there to be pretty, I’m there to learn. I don’t have to be a pleasing sight for their eyes.

  13. Fight your inner critic. It is way more attractive to be a content person who generally smiles than a model with a permanent scowl or unapproachable demeanor. Be pleasant. What you put out into the world is what comes back. Put out hope and positivity and it will come back.

  14. If they’re even thinking about you at all, which is unlikely, they’re thinking nice jacket or not nice jacket, he looks like Steve, is it Steve? Do I want to fuck him? Nope, look away. Where did he get that shirt, mask, pants? I want one. What do you think he does? What’s their story?
    Notice how most of these thoughts about you are not really about you at all, but about the person thinking those thoughts? We are all self centered people thinking about ourselves. And you are even more self centered because you think that we are thinking about you and not ourselves.

  15. stop hating it. problem solved.

    change yourself instead of wishing for a change in other people’s behaviour.

  16. Are people actually staring? I think people care about you a lot less than you realize.

  17. I know someone who every time he catches someone staring he swears they’re thinking he is attractive. At the end of the day what people are thinking will always be all in our heads, of our own (subconscious) choosing. In a weird, indirect way, it’s always our choice what to think in those situations, and some ways serve us much better than others. Next time you catch yourself filling in gaps of the unknown with negative assumptions, you should remember that was your choice. You can change if you want to.

  18. I think I am absolutely amazing! I’m a beautiful single mom that survived an abusive relationship. I’m a great mom I’m going to school i have an internship i go to the gym and stay active at church! Still people are concerned about my relationship status and tell me they’re so sorry for me because I must be so lonely. It is hard sometimes because it reminds you of what you don’t have, but that just makes you more willing to love when the time comes!! You’ve got this!

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