Anyone on antidepressants and completely lost their libido? After having kids, my pms has gotten awful. Periods always late when they were always on time. My pills work so I can’t get off of them. I’m supposed to start a low does BCP. I’m. Scared because the last time I tried BCP I was a disaster.

I feel like everyone hates me. I have 4 year old twins who are amazing and a husband that does everything and I still snap at him. A lot more when pms comes around. I hate myself. I have BPD that controls my outbursts I just wish my PMS wouldn’t do this to me every damn month. I basically suck. 😞🥺😭

  1. YES!! This has happened to me as well! I’m not as depressed anymore but my sex drive isn’t nearly as high as it used to be. It really sucks.

  2. I think that you should make an appointment to see whoever prescribed you the anti-depressants, or your regular mental health care provider if it is not the same person, and discuss this. Perhaps ask for a consult with an OB/GYN so that both providers can see the results of your exam.

  3. Regarding your PMS…I have PMDD. I’m very familiar with bad PMS symptoms. It was recommended to me to take a calcium supplement, which became the calcium/magnesium/zinc supplement I take now, to help control it and it’s been a *world* of difference. It takes some time to start having an effect, but for me I went from being rage-trigger happy and suicidal to being much calmer and at most being mildly annoyed. Perhaps you can try that, or bring it up as an alternative possibility to try?

  4. yea, cipralex killed my sex drive, but im anxiety free and happier. you got the magic wand? if not, get one asap.

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