My ex co-worker (19M) and I (24F) got along great at work, we did flirt too but it was not serious. We have each other on social media and that’s fine but he has started to send me messages daily. I don’t mind corresponding with him occasionally, but I don’t want to be messaging back and forth how we have been for the past week. How should I end this interaction? I’ve responded dry and he comes back with some random statement to which I have to respond. I’ve considered removing him but we share a friend group and I don’t want it to be awkward.

Also, the messages are so weird, he responds once a day, and even if I try to end the chat he somehow finds a way to continue.

tdlr; My ex-coworker keeps messaging me on social media and I don’t know how to end the conversation as he is persistent.

1 comment
  1. Say that you dont like texting like that and if he keeps going you will stop the contact with him, but you still will be with the friend group may it be awkward but better than his textes right?

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