Do you see women that don’t shave on the street or on the beach?

Do you know personally women that don’t shave in your country?

Are you personally a woman that doesn’t shave in your country?

Bulgarian here. I don’t know personally any woman under 50 who doesn’t shave her legs or armpits. I have seen a lot of teenage girls with unshaved legs and even armpits but I have never ever seen a woman between ages 25-45 with unshaved legs or armpits. Their generation was probably highly brainwashed to do it.

  1. Regardless of how people feel fashions will always change, and change means different, and different means uncomfortable.

    Generally not well-accepted in Ireland (home country), but in Germany people don’t mind as long you don’t smell bad.

  2. you mean women grow hair other than their heads? 😀

    No but seriously – shaving legs/armpits/face is pretty much expected standard. It losen up a bit, but just by a little bit.

    What’s pretty interesting shaving armpits started to be a men thing as well. Not a expected thing, but starts to be rather common among younger generation.

  3. In Sweden it’s depend on what type of “group” you hang with, almost all my relationship with girls have been two different views on it, one that “must” shave to feel clean and maintain it perfectly, and the other who just do maybe once in a while shave, like if it’s summer or wearing shorts/dress, or when you clearly can se hair on the legs. in the winter they don’t do It at all, and armpits are the same. It’s a non issue for me and it’s a bit weird to even care about it. They have been between 20-30 in age when being in a relationship with them.

    In the end I think it’s more accepted in mainstream, it’s even been public discussion on tv about it, and it’s still in some eyes a stance for feminism.

    Also, it would be a bit hypocritical to demand that level of pedantic behaviour when I have a full beard and they having to handle making out. How much I take care of it, it’s still a active thing that beard gets in her face scratching, armpit hair is a non problem. And leg hair can be enjoying only if they are stubby, so like 1 week out of the year if a girls don’t shave them.

  4. most women definitely do some form of shaving, especially their armpits, and legs during summer. its not uncommon to shave them less often during winter, though. i dont think theres much of a standard for other areas like your face (especially because its often not even noticeable), and apparently some people go as far as shaving their underarms, but i highly doubt thats in any way expected. theres also some men who choose to shave parts their body, but its less of an expectation, as imo it should be for everyone.

    as long as youre clean, it makes no sense to judge people for their shaving/non shaving preferences, and especially to argue that something is ‘unhygienic’ for a woman but not for a man. but i do get that its deeply ingrained. im a woman and stopped shaving my legs years ago, and it was a lot harder to let go of that feeling of judgement than i thought it would be! i havent really gotten any negative reactions over it, though maybe it would be different it i spent time in professional environments etc.

    i wonder if theres actual statistics about this per country, itd be pretty interesting to see some data!

  5. I know one: me:) or maybe: in summer i shave legs because i’m not brave enough, even if i shave only the tibia (over my hair isn’t that visible).

    But i don’t shave armpits because already i feel unconfortable with shaved legs, shaved armpits itch me too much. So i go with croptop t shirts that match well with miniskirts anyway better than tanks and on the beach.. i don’t raise my arms haha

    Maybe the bikini zone if i go to the sea

  6. I’m 36. I started shaving around age 14 because of peer/family/media pressure. I stopped around age 28. I’m not that unusual in the context of other lesbians, but we’re a pretty small minority. Most straight women I know depilate completely, except for maybe pubes. I think it’s really cool that younger women are getting more relaxed about it.

  7. ​

    ||Blonde|Other colours|
    |Arms/Legs|Rarely. Except spring/summertime.|Infrequent. Except spring/summertime.|
    |Rest of body|Rarely. Except a beach day etc.|Rarely. Except spring/summertime.|
    |Underarms/pubic hair|Yes, frequency and if removal or trim depends.|Yes, frequency and if removal or trim depends.|

    Adult women, may be completely different for those who are very young.

  8. I work with a 21 year old girl who has never shaved her legs, so maybe it is changing. I’ve almost stopped shaving my legs in the last couple of years, just occasionally because I do like the feeling of newly shaved legs against each other. But I have blonde, fine hair on my legs, so it isn’t particularly noticeable, maybe if I had darker hair I would feel more inclined to shave it.

  9. Shaving is very uncommon in Turkey. Most women go to wax saloons and have everything waxed, or do it at home themselves. If you have dark hair, unless you shave every day, your legs start looking like Fred Flintstone’s face pretty quickly. Also, women have this irrational belief that shaving will increase the thickness of the hairs, which is nonsense of course.

    If you mean women who don’t remove their body hair at all – I have never seen or met one. Also, going to the parlour regularly to have your eyebrows/facial hair removed is very common.

  10. Some of my friends would relax their regime in Winter when they’re covered up but in general, hair removal is the norm whether it’s shaving, waxing, hair removal cream or getting laser hair removal to permanent remove it is pretty common.

    I’m pretty hairless anyway so it’s not that much upkeep for me but for some of my friends, it’s a real pain

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