What has been the most glorious “KARMA” moment that you’ve seen play out?

  1. A car was tailgating a cop on the freeway, cop switches lanes and breaks fast to get behind said tailgaters and pulls them over.

  2. A group of walking commuters had just stampeded out of the ferry and were heading up 2nd, myself included. One of the cyclists decided he would take the sidewalk briefly and rode right through us, scattering people left and right. He then decided that despite the red light, he would blow through the three-way intersection, forcing a large SUV that was turning right to jerk to a stop. The SUV then flipped on its red-and-blues and pulled over the cyclist. We cheered.

  3. While my parents’ relationship was toxic, my dad did provide financially so we didn’t have to worry about money too much. My mom cheated on my dad for 3 years behind his back, then when he found out and kicked her out, she moved in with her AP who is broke AF and now they live paycheck to paycheck barely able to make ends meet. I’d say that’s definitely karma.

  4. Drunk guy tried to punch a bar employee. Bar employee very easily sidestepped. Drunk guy punched the wall and shattered his hand. Drunk guy got even madder, kicked the wall, and broke a toe.

    Drunk guy continued to be an ass when the cops came, so I can only assume he got some nice charges on top of the multiple broken bones he gave himself.

  5. Ex-husband left me after 10 years for “a younger model”. We have two kids together, he wanted to be free and spontaneous again. Got her pregnant within 3 three months and now gets to do that whole baby and toddler stage again, that he finds so incredibly exhausting. On top he got some vicious abscess on his ass, that needed to be operated on twice. Guess who got to help him with the daily cleaning? His pregnant girlfriend. Life is good!

  6. This is a funny karma. My husband likes to chase the kitties around the house. One of the cats wasn’t having fun though- hissing at him and trying to hide. I told him to leave that one alone but he kept trying to get her to run around and exercise. Anyway he slipped running too fast around a corner, slipped, and pumped his head and funny bone on a wall. She was left alone the rest of the night lol

  7. I got a new job as a vet tech, literally all the other techs hated me and generally wouldn’t teach me anything. They were very clicky. Anyways, I’m restraining a chihuahua and the dog goes to bite me. I tell them hey, we need to muzzle this dog before we continue. One of the techs told me to just move over and let her do it. Immediately as they started again the dog bit the shit out of her inner elbow. Sure, maybe I wasn’t the greatest tech yet, but I knew dog body language and I wasn’t being a baby when the dog originally tried to bite me.

  8. I work with one anesthesiologist who loves to tell others to “watch the *TEETH* during intubation (placing an endotracheal tube) even though none of us has knocked out a tooth.

    He was in the room with me during intubation time one day and started in with his annoying “Watch those *TEETH!*” so I stepped aside and said “Fine. You do it.”

    He promptly knocked the patient’s front tooth out. He got the slow clap.

  9. My ex was emotionally cheating on me online with some girl on the other side of the States. Broke my heart the way he talked about her towards me. Saying things that he should have been saying to me meanwhile acting indifferent towards me. Come to find out she was catfishing him, wasn’t a 19 year old rich girl but was actually a late 40s woman 🤣

  10. I used to think grown up people working on a employee-level in the fast food and restaurant business had somehow failed, that there were something really ’wrong’ with them for ending up working in a place like that, where majority of employees are youngsters and students. You know what I mean, I used to be just the gal who thinks she’s above others.

    Fast forward 4-5 years, during which I made couple of major poor decisions, followed by a few unfortunate life events, followed by corona pandemic. After some involuntary unemployment, I find myself working in a place like that.

    My attitude is ’fixed’ though you know, new respect for things I didn’t respect before. However, fixed attitude still doesn’t change the fact that now I’m working in a burger joint, I’m almost 30, live paycheck to paycheck, can’t have kids because no money despite having a bachelor’s degree in business. You get what you deserve, right.

    Maybe if I wasn’t that much of a self-centered butthead back in the days, karma wouldn’t feel the need for me to actually humble up and get to know both the industry and the workers.

    Oh and I’m /not/ dwelling in self-pity btw, my text is not intended to sound like that but English isn’t my first language so idk.

  11. In 2016 my sister’s partner died. She was pregnant at the time and absolutely devastated. Wondering how she’d cope alone with a new baby. It was her birthday in the October, so we decided to have a family celebration to cheer her up. However, there were people who had other plans. Our aunt and cousin decided to turn up and make the night all about themselves.
    Our cousin was in a new relationship and decided to make my sister’s birthday party her “surprise” engagement party. I say “surprise” because they planned everything out perfectly, and didn’t inform us beforehand.
    Our cousin spent the whole night going on about how fantastic her partner was, all the wedding plans they had and even what they would name their child. After only a few months of knowing each other I might add. It was blatant she was trying to rub it in after knowing my sister’s partner had passed away. We didn’t speak to our cousin much after that.
    One year later we find out our cousin was a single parent too. Turns out her partner had left her for another man. He came out as gay, and said he didn’t want anything to do with her or their child.
    I knew there was always a petty rivalry between my sister and cousin, but in 2016 it was taken a step too far. In all honesty I think our cousin was jealous, but I believe karma is always around the corner.

  12. I just found out a horribly abusive person who is a leader in the field I work in, has terminal cancer. When I learned of this news all I could muster was a shrug. She will not be missed by me or my colleagues.

  13. I spilled my fresh cup of coffee at work one morning in my cubicle and it splashed all over my desk and the wall. My friend was in the cubicle behind me and started cackling from the sound and not even 5 minutes later she knocked her coffee cup over too. It was hilariously timed and I got to laugh back at her

  14. We were a small group sitting in a park. A motorcyclist started looping around us trying to spray mud at us thinking it’s funny, and ended up slipping into a large puddle of mud along with his motorcycle.

  15. My dad having me barely talking to him, my sister that like doesn’t care about him and my brother who can’t stand him most of the times, keeps contact just so he can get money from him. Sucks to be him, he choose his brother and his mom and all of that family over us. Now he doesn’t get to brag about HIS kids did this or that. Serves him right honestly

  16. I got sued for $100,000 and they lost. They went above and beyond to make our business fail and thankfully did the same for their lawsuit when they sued me for fraud.

    They kept claiming I’d taken possession of a certain product early on. My lawyer found an email from later on with one of them thanking me for sharing the product with him.
    The judge was not impressed.

    My boyfriend asked why I never once mentioned it once it was over. Why would I ever waste my time talking about those fools?

  17. seeing the girl who was mean to you in high school selling essential oils on Instagram (yes I am very petty, I know)

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