(f) My last partner got me off and continued to penetrate me. I felt like I needed a break but didn’t speak up because I wanted to get him off too and I feel like he was trying to get a double orgasm or something. I kind of felt like a doll for him to play with in that moment and ended up pushing him off me- he was very confused. I’m just curious whether other women prefer to stop being penetrated after orgasm?

  1. Typically, it makes me enjoy it more and then I’ll orgasm a second time with him when he does.

  2. I usually need to cum first to enjoy penetration more, so yes. Always make sure you communicate with your partner if things make you uncomfortable though!

  3. I prefer penetration after orgasm versus any other time. It’s more sensitive/pleasurable.

  4. I almost never orgasm from sex, even with clitoral stimulation. And most times, he cums way before I do. So I like for him to get me off first then just use me.

  5. That’s a good example why it’s good to communicate. You may think he continues to get off and he may he think you can have multiple.

  6. My gf enjoys being penetrated after coming she’s like a wild animal after she cums and I penetrate her

  7. As a man, idk…. but also as a man


    I too can fall victim to feeling like I’m “performing” when it should be a mutual dance, and If I’m doing something that I *think* my partner wants (obviously with consent) I NEED them to tell me if that changes.

    Being pushed of like a sex pest feels so much worse than just saying “hey, I need a quick break.” If a guy isn’t willing to forgo his orgasm for your comfort, they aren’t someone you should be having sex with.

  8. After cuming i love NOTHING more then penetration. To me it basically feels like im extending the orgasm even LONGER and it feels quite amazing. Only vaginally tho. Anal after I cum is usually quite painful

  9. I like to keep on going but how we feel is not importante in your situation. You already know you dont like it, period. Explain to him and just help im O in another way that does not include penetration, such as hand job, blowjob, toys… It should be something you both enjoy equally and you should not feel pressured bc other women like it.

  10. I usually don’t enjoy sex after I orgasm and it’s sometimes even uncomfortable. If I orgasm first, I’ll give my partner a blowjob to finish him off.

    I’d like to point out that in studies, only 15% of women report having ever had multiple orgasms btw.

    Being a good partner means making effort to make sure you help your partner get off as well. Most of the time. It’s perfectly ok though to want to alter the HOW. It’s also perfectly ok to sometimes say, sorry, I’m done.

  11. for me,after having a baby ,penetration after i cum hurts and is highly uncomfortable so i wait on purpose to cum after him so he can get off first or i suck him off

  12. IF I orgasm from penetrative sex, I just need a short break. Or him to slow down. It doesn’t usually bother me (hurt) to keep having sex. If he makes me cum from oral, and wants to put it in immediately I usually say give me a minute because I’m super sensitive. Maybe I’d have multiple orgasms if we didn’t take a little break?? That usually only happens rarely.
    I just feel so sensitive down there that I want to stop until it stops feeling sensitive.

  13. My wife is usually spent once she comes and doesn’t want to continue. I know this so I usually time my orgasm with hers. Your guy can do the same if you tell him to.

  14. Absolutely, but it’s not to get him off. It’s for my benefit. Penetration feels amazing during an orgasm and after an orgasm.

    That’s why I never like the “cumming at the same time as your partner” thing. I need that dick even more after I cum.

  15. My wife will let me go but if I go too long she’ll nicely whisper into my ear “hurry up bucco” or something like that lol.

  16. Yeah obviously he was confused lol You don’t even say anything to him about what was going on just lay there and then push him off you.

    And yes penetration after an orgasm is the best kind of penetration.

  17. Personally, yes. It continues to feel great to me until the end. But we are all built different, there are other ways fo get him off after you get yours. This may be your sign to mix it up a little bit.

  18. I’m probably sleepy after finishing and I’m visibly not as into it, but I want him to finish too. So yes, he has penetrated me after I have finished, which knowing I finished makes him really excited so he doesn’t need that long to finish himself. I imagine if it went on for a while I might feel different about it and feel more like you did, of just being a doll for him to use.

  19. Sometimes I feel like I need to pee after an orgasm and that makes penetration uncomfortable. I’ll go to the restroom and then try again.

  20. The more orgasms I have, the more I crave penetration. So I definitely can’t relate. But you should use your words instead of just pushing someone off and then wondering why they’re confused lol

  21. I still very much enjoy being penetrated after I have cum, but then again I also enjoy feeling like I am his doll or toy; so don’t go by me.

  22. After coming I love being penetrated more than before, to be quite honest. I want more.

    But if you don’t like it: speak up! He can’t read your mind and know you’re no longer enjoying if you don’t tell or signal this. Talk about sex and tell him you need a break after coming. If he’s a decent man, I’m sure he will understand.

  23. I immediately lose interest in sex after orgasm. Even masturbation. If I cum really fast before truly enjoying myself, it doesn’t matter, interest gone. It doesn’t have to be a big deal during sex though – I just need someone who is willing to get me riled up again, change positions, change things up, etc.

  24. I am exactly the same way! I lose all sensation for a bit and need a break.

  25. Not going to lie I sometimes don’t like it at all after I cum….but I let it continue so they can finish and I say or do things to speed the process LOL. It’s not healthy and I don’t think I should for my mental health of course but like it’s a normal feeling😂

  26. I’m surprised by the general consensus in these comments. I normally don’t enjoy penetration right after an orgasm. I definitely need a break before going back to penetration.

  27. Most women won’t understand your post because they are multi orgasmic

    But some of us can’t come more than once in a short ammount of time (kind of a refractory period like men experience) and I agree that continuing penetration might feel uncomfortable/painful. Usually my bf will come very quickly after I do so I let him do. I think in your situation you should explain to your boyfriend that once you cum its done, just like him and that he can focus on himself and not so much on you anymore, you can try finishing off with your mouth perhaps? Anyways communication is very important in relationship and you should explain to him how you feel

  28. as a women, I’ve got 2 minutes of pleasure left in me after I orgasm. Then I need to nap.

  29. I feel like I must be the odd lady out. Sometimes I think I’m wired more like a man. I can’t continue with penetration once I orgasm for more than a few minutes, everything is way too sensitive. I can deal with maybe 2-3 more minutes for his sake, but it’s not fun for me. I need a couple hours break before I am ready to go again. Even on my horniest days, with trying to orgasm as much as possible with masterbating, I can achieve 3 in a day. Once in the morning, once in the afternoon, and once in the evening.

  30. I actually get way too sensitive after I orgasm, so penetration right after is not my thing. It’s way too overwhelming, and orgasms make me sleepy lol.

  31. I really dislike penetration after an orgasm, it’s uncomfortable and I can only stand it for a minute or two. I fully need like an hour or so before I can have any penetration again.

    Which sucks cause I can never cum first if we plan to have sex.

  32. I’m with you on this and I hate how everyone these days thinks all women have multiple orgasms and squirt. My ex was obsessed with this.

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