What’s one thing you’ve done recently that you’re proud of?

  1. For the first time in my life I took a trip by myself. Previously it had always been with someone else, but no one could go with me, so I did it alone. It sounded like no big deal but I faced a lot of anxiety as the days of the trip grew closer, but I did it and I loved every minute of it

  2. Lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks with a combination of cardio boxing and not drinking during the week. 15 to go!

  3. Leave a toxic relationship. I’ve tried over and over and I seem to fall back into the cycle. I feel in my heart and gut this is the last and final straw. I slowly feel a weight coming off my shoulders. Thank you God!

  4. Made it through a pretty scary medical procedure on only local anesthesia. 1st time I’ve ever had a doctor talk to me whilst also having open incisions. Weird stuff.

  5. Found my backbone and finally stood up for myself 💪. And I came out to the majority of my family this past month!!

  6. Job interviews and took finally took care of my mental health by making doctors appointment.

  7. Attend a lecture which i was uncertain about, but somehow convinced my anxiety ridden mind to do it anyway. Can’t express how relieved and proud I am.

    Funny how smallest of the things feel so difficult to overcome.

  8. Donated to a homeless shelter and gave a scarf, gloves and hygiene wipes to a homeless person when it was freezing overnight a few months ago. I try to help out the homeless when I can

  9. Started therapy in December and holy shit why didn’t I do this ten years ago????

  10. Read for an hour straight. My mind was focused on one thing instead of thinking about 100 things.

  11. I dropped 160 pounds of dead weight, and by that I mean I broke up with my ex. Just a very toxic person and whenever I started doing things for myself he would do everything in his power to drag me down to where he was.

  12. Managed to be 1 step ahead of my depression. It’s sitting right behind my pulling at me, for today though I kept it at bay.

    It’s exhausting fighting my brain everyday:(

  13. Started my job in February, almost two months in, and I haven’t called in sick or have been anxious/depressed once!! I’m so proud of myself for doing well.

    My mental health has such a toll on my work life and past jobs, as it affects me physically so heavily, and the main reasons as to why I’ve had so many different jobs. Maybe I’m just working a lot that I’m distracted, it’s also an easy job for me. I’m just so happy it’s going well.

  14. Got my first job out of college in my 30s in my goal position that normally takes peoples years to break into. I start Monday!

  15. Putting the most in my savings account that I’ve ever had and counting. Being financially stable before starting a family has always been something both me and my husband have wanted to do and I’m proud to say I’ve given that to us

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