First of all excuse my grammar and punctuation, English is not my first language. My husband (31M) and I (30F) have been married 12 years.

My period is late and I haven’t been feeling well so I took a pregnancy test. It came out positive. Not sure how to react since we been trying for about a year and a half to get pregnant. About 3 weeks ago, a day after we were intimate he told me that he doesn’t want any more children. Let me mention that we have a 10yr old. I told him that was fine since we both had to be on the same page and discuss something as important as having any more children. I’m not sure what’s going on with my husband anymore . From one day to another he started sleeping in the guest bedroom. I have not asked y but I’m just tired of not knowing what’s up with roller coasters of emotions . He started la job where he has to work a lot of overtime and there are days where he doesn’t sleep or even come home. Sometimes he gets sent out of state to work storm for example the dust storm in South Dakota. I really do understand how overwhelmed and stressed he is. But to start sleeping in another room and not telling me one word about why he is doing this just doesn’t make sense to me. I really don’t know where my marriage stands. Im sorry to put this out here. I just don’t know who to ask for advice. Just to be sure that I am pregnant I will be going to the doctor to get a second test. But if I am should I tell him?

  1. Of course you should tell him– he’s your husband! And the father of the baby. But I think it’s definitely wise to be sure it wasn’t a false positive before you do.

  2. Did him changing his mind on having another child happen before or after he started sleeping in guest room? And was it before or after he started this new job?

  3. You should tell him – this isnt a decision you can make by yourself. What if he changes his mind about not having more kids now you are pregnant? Since you want kids, aborting without telling him because you assume he wouldnt want it is a bad idea. What if you both want the kid?

    Since it’s your body I’d say if you definitely wanted kids and worried he’s pressure you into keeping it against your will, and you think he would force you to stay pregnant, that would be the only time that you should probably keep it to yourself.

    Most of the time, it makes sense to be honest with your partner and decide what to do together.

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