I’m a plus sized girl and I’m pretty insecure about this and I’m very confused because when they say sit do they actually mean sit completely or just squat.

  1. It depends. Some folks like to feel like they are suffocating in pussy. Others just and you to gently rest on them. But I’ve been with BBW and we find a way to make it work. But I would t worry about hurting someone unless you dropped your weight on them from a height. People are pretty durable.

  2. Sit. ( WLW perspective) sit. Grind, take control of the situation, use my face like a fucking dildo. Do what you gotta do to get where you gotta go.

  3. I’m 130lbs and I sit but I think it depends on your man like In the past I’ve hovered or like let him guide you down to what his comfortable to him.

    But if your unsure I would put most of the weight on your knees and he should guide you in , like he might pull you in closer etc

  4. Sit, like put your weight in it.
    Make sure you establish a safe gesture since the person you’d be sitting on won’t be able to talk.
    Also, when you’re applying your weight, always ask if it’s ok, make sure your partner is comfortable with everything.
    Reaffirm the safe gesture so your partner knows exactly what to use in case they are uncomfortable.

  5. Sit, have an established non-verbal safe word. I’m plus sized myself and my bf likes when I kinda lean back and put my weight on his chest.

  6. For me, ideally, it’s something just between the two. A full on sit is going to make it too difficult to use my lips and tongue, maybe cause a bad neck cramp, and I’m just getting too old for that. But I also want you to be moving in a way you like, moving what you want licked to my mouth, maybe thrusting or rocking, and I don’t want you to feel like you have to hold yourself up completely in a weird position so let yourself get comfortable

  7. I don’t care how thick you are, I want you smothering me. I’ll find a way to catch my breath. Most of my gfs have been on the thicker side so I’m pretty good at licking while holding my breath. You just sit and enjoy.

  8. That’s why there is the double tap 👏 for safety. How wouldn’t want to die looking like this 🤤

  9. Some guys like ass. They want to be smothered. That is the goal. You’ll have to ask but my guess is they want the experience of being smothered.

  10. For those who like to give cunnilingus, you haven’t lived until a plus size woman has sat on your face like she means business.

  11. Sit, full body weight, let me devour my last meal before a fantastic death

  12. I as a WLW had an experience recently where we were exchanging…deeds… I went to sit on her face and she said “I can’t do this” and told me to stop (I’m def plus sized). It was a little bit of an awkward moment, but the rest of the experience was good.

    TLDR: it depends on the person and if they aren’t into it , guarantee they are into other stuff

  13. Shiiiitt if they say sit on my face I’m not asking twice I’m sitting baby 😂

  14. My biggest issue was not being comfortable with my body! Let that shit go as hard as it seems love. Sex will be so much better I promise

  15. Oh man, when anyone says “sit on my face” we mean put your entire weight on our face. Have a seat. Treat our face like a chair. We’ll let you know if anything is wrong. This goes for men, women, non-binary people, whomever. Take a whole seat. Grind on our face and make it your personal toy.


  17. I tell them to sit and then kick their legs out so that they’re on me on me. And yes with plus size girls too.

  18. Kneel and put most of your weight on their chest. Make sure you both find a position you’re comfortable in then add pillows behind their head until they can reach without straining

  19. When I say sit I mean crush my windpipe. Smash my skull. Shatter my clavicle. Break my nose.

    Just rest the booty on my face COMPLETELY!

  20. I had never done this until recently. Way too self conscious.
    The other day my BF grabbed me and pulled me up so I was literally sitting on his face. He started things off… then I was grinding on his face, his stubble… almost certainly interfering with his breathing…
    Kind of a kneeling position but right on him.

  21. Just sit. It’s up to us guys to take it. My last partner was plus sized and it was one of my favourite things that she did.

  22. Why would you want to take away from me the glorious death caused by a beautiful lady sitting on my face? It’s ginna be all high fives and cheers at my funeral!

  23. I don’t squat, omg my legs would never last long. I generally hover (on my knees), not putting down my full weight. 99% of the time, they pull me down closer. Start with a hover and let them dictate how close.

  24. Sit. Fucking sit on it. If we wanted you to hover we would say that, no we want you to sit the same way you would on a towel at the beach after 4 hours of physical activity. Full weight and everything.

  25. I don’t think its a binary thing. Just kneel and you can fine tune the “pressure” to whatever feels good for you.

  26. Just sit he’ll be able to breath through his ears don’t worry he’ll be fine I promise

  27. I can lift you off. Like…you think you’re so heavy that I couldn’t get you off me if I was in a life or death scenario??

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