Men of Reddit what is the greatest bullet you’ve dodged pertaining to sex?

  1. Multiple std’s. Chick I worked with and was interested in strung me along for about a month because she liked the attention I gave her but didn’t wanna stop fucking our married coworker. He gave her gonorrhea and chlamydia. She gave him herpes

  2. A girl I was friends with got ditched by the married guy she was hooking up with. I picked her up from his house, swung by my apartment with the intent to grab a couple of things and take her to a friend’s house.

    While there, she gave off strong hints that we should watch some TV (in my room), standing very close and giving off some suggestive body language. I saw where this was going and politely declined. We left and I took her to her friend’s house.

    A week or two later she told me she was pregnant with married guy’s baby. I didn’t go no- contact with her but never hung out with her again.

  3. Heard back from a girl after we didn’t go all the way but got pretty close. She got herpes somewhere. Ran out to get tested and it was clean. One of the most anxious and stressful times of my life.

  4. I didn’t dodge a bullet, I took probably the worst bullet possible.

    I got accused of “taking advantage of” an ex in bed, then got accused of “taking pictures of” her during sex, I figured since neither of those things were happening things would get better, then, one night she was talking to herself about date rape situations 3 months after we did some molly.

    I freaked the fuck out because again that didn’t happen, ended up basically getting let go from med school because I told them what I was worried about after she was saying weird shit, and now years later I’ve lost pretty much all my friends and I have people calling me a rapist when literally none of that shit happened.

    I eventually asked her why she said all that stuff and apparently now it just DOESNT MATTER if she was saying those things.

    Lesson: if anyone falsely accuses you of ANYTHING or says “consent is annoying” or “asking every time is unnecessary” get the absolute fuck out of there ASAP or your life will get destroyed even

  5. My best friend stole a girl I was with, we weren’t official but were messing around quite a bit. They were going strong for about a month, anyway as it turn out she was waiting for another guy to become available and as soon as he was she dumped my friend and accused him of rape and of mental abuse so that this other guy could play the hero and come save her and she didn’t look like she was just slutting it up before she got to him. She was absolutely nuts.

  6. Got totally drunk with a friend I have a crush on, but who has made it clear she doesn’t want anything more than friends. Despite me turning down her suggestions several times on this night, she eventually demanded favours from me. The following morning she learned what had happened from her roommate who had overheard, but told me she didn’t remember anything about it.

    A few days later we met up, and she told me about her sleep monitoring app on her phone that records noises too …. in other words, although she didn’t remember, she did have a recording of her making demands, bordering on threats, of me.

  7. When my exwife and I were together she wanted to do a “natural” birth control method. I don’t recall what it was but I think it had something to do with peach pits. I told her she can do whatever she wanted with her body but if she wasn’t on some form of actual birth control I’d be wearing condoms as it was the only option I could use. She didn’t like that at all. She stayed on birth control but treated me like I was forcing her to take poison. When we divorced she told me about how the guy she was with (who she had cheated on me with btw) was okay with her natural birth control method. She was knocked up within two months.

  8. Went with a female coworker to “help her get her stuff” from her apartment because “her boyfriend was gonna start some shit” or something. No drama ensued at the apartment but she started making a bit more contact than I was comfortable with and noped outta there. She was a nympho and was in a competition for body count and was also a burner, so I’m glad I passed on that ride.

  9. Being attractive.

    I don’t have to worry about all that sex or drama stuff. I can just hate people from a distance.

  10. My ex-girlfriend in high school wanted to get pregnant, she didn’t tell me though but 3 months after we broke up she was pregnant

  11. Tried desperately to seduce a girl once, took me two month! But just as she said yes, but before anything happened, my mate turned up and I had to leave, boy I was angry…. Stopped seeing her. Then I started getting dirty looks from her aunt and some of her friends. Turned out they all thought I’d screwed her, and got her pregnant, then left her…. She told everyone I was the father, but a nice solicitors letter stopped it… turned out it was her brother in law, and she only said yes when she knew she was pregnant….

  12. An close office colleague (f) confided in me that her husband wanted me to participate in a 3some with them. Now she was girl next door type decent with a little thicc body. So I being horny and single went to her place on Friday evening. But it turns out that her husband was bi and wanted to have sex with me and not her. I think I misunderstood what she said and quickly vanished from their place.

  13. In college there was this girl I was into, she seemed like a nice person. Always polite, kinda nerdy and shy. Really cute. Was flirting with her and casually commented about it with a female friend of mine.. Oh boy, my friend flipped out. Turns out that cute innocent girl was a damn psycho, she would explicitly comment about all her sex exploits on a WhatsApp girls group, even send pictures. Worst part was that there were some 30 girls in that group, all doing the same thing. Shocked me to no end.

  14. I dodged a tranny once. He/she was very passable but eventually informed me about their current physical attributes. My butt would have never been the same.

  15. A girl I hooked up with few times wanted to do it Raw but always I used condoms, and one time I forgot to bring condoms and I was in the middle of saying “I forgot to buy some condoms” she said “I have one with me” then shoved it into my hand and I said “yk, I’m kinda not in the mood for this”.
    So I’d say an allegedly poked condom

  16. 30 something single mom I dated my first or second year out of high school who said she could only get off if you came inside without a condom.

  17. This girl came to my door pregnant. Said it was mine. She was absolutely obsessed with me. Come to find out it was never mine to begin with. She wanted me to sign the birth certificate.

  18. Went on a date with a girl a few years ago, she told me she can’t have kids so absolutely don’t need to use condoms. Nope I’m out, not chancing that shit

  19. Threesome with a coworker and her cousin. I was 23 at the time and almost black out drunk. Very glad drunk me said no because fucking yikes.

  20. Two girls I met in high school. One (14) wanted me to get her pregnant. Told me her parents were okay with it. Noped the fuck out of that situation. Next, met a girl (16) when I was 18. Despite having little in common, and her immaturity and pride at being uneducated (she was a bit of a hood rat), we had a year long relationship. She dumped me for a ex-felon low-life she worked with at a fast food restaurant.

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