
I’m a 24 year old female, who has always been scared of sexual things, including my own sexuality.
In an attempt to get more comfortable with myself, I recently started masturbating (late to the game I know 😆) and I even started to take pictures and videos of myself. So far this has been very cathartic for me, so I’m not regretting that part in any way.

I thought it might be a good idea to take baby steps towards feeling comfortable with this sexual part of myself, to post those pictures and videos on here (not on this account lol)
The amount of positive re enforcement it has given me has helped my confidence a lot!

However, there is still a big part of me that feels gross and ashamed.
I feel like I’m 2 different people at the moment, and I don’t know which one to listen to, the girl who is confidently posting herself online, simply for positive re enforcement sexually, which is something she struggles with so she’s compassionate towards herself and finds this to be a healthy coping mechanism, or the girl who is curled up in a ball and crying, because she is ashamed of herself, and is utterly repulsed thinking about the men who are looking at her, and thus feeling gross

I never show my face, I don’t have an tattoos or specific identifying features. I am worried someone will find me, or dox me in some way. No one knows about this in my real life. I would be mortified if they did. People would not expect this of me at all. But I figure with the amount of content online, especially sexual content, it’s just a drop in an ocean.

I don’t really know if I’m looking for advice or just some comforting words, but if you read this far thank you 💕 I would greatly appreciate any kind words 💗 I’m just trying to not feel so anxious about this and have some self compassion 😅

and no I’m not giving away what my other account is😆

  1. You can stay relatively anonymous with the “throwaway account” and not showing personal features, such as face or tattoos.

  2. I do the same thing. Getting the attention boosts my confidence and I’m hopless at finding someone irl so having people thirst over me makes me feel way better.

  3. No, you shouldn’t feel ashamed.

    It’s all about your comfort level, including how comfortable you are with illogical and frankly stupid, outmoded ideas about human sexuality and societal notions of conforming to gender expression expectations.

    At the core of it, if you want to show your body off there’s nothing unethical or amoral about it. Your body isn’t a taboo.

  4. My view is that life is way to short to not post hot pictures of yourself online, do it

  5. If you would be mortified about someone finding out… then you shouldn’t do it. Once something is on the internet, it’s there forever.

    If it’s a risk you’re willing to take, then go for it. More power to you. But you should always prepare for what can possibly happen.

    I personally would never post nudes online but I also don’t send nudes to partners. Again, once it is sent, it is out there forever. It’s not a risk I am willing to take. You have to make that choice for yourself

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