
I met a girl on Tinder about 2 months ago and was quite surprised that we got along and even have some things in common. Unfortunately it turned out that she doesn’t even live in city A, where I live, but moved to another city for study and also for personal reasons, but her family and friends are from city A.

Anyway I got into it because I think she’s great and wanted to get to know her better and it seems here intentions were the same. We then continued our Tinder conversation on Telegram. After a lot of exchanging messages, we also called for the first time, which actually lasted around 2 hours. The second time, we played chess online together, I tried to teach her as much as possible, which was really fun and then we talked a bit. Unfortunately we haven’t met yet due to time constraints and the fact that we live in different cities.

After that we wrote back and forth, but we both have a lot to do with the university, especially she, as she says (she will also be giving a presentation this week, which is super stressful for her).

But lately she’s been pretty absent/dismissive towards me and she texts very little or doesn’t answer at all, although she asks how things are going with me, for example. All of that and she’s still online on Telegram and quite often, that’s what strikes me.

Am I to assume that she’s just suddenly not interested? It’s pretty nerve wracking…


TL;DR: Met a girl on tinder, we then moved on to telegram to continue our conversation which went very good and had 2 phone calls but lately she’s being absent/dismissive towards me which I assume that she may not interested anymore.

  1. She’s either genuinely busy with studies and forgets to message back or she’s found someone else on tinder. Just chill and maybe not message her for a while or until she messages you

  2. Sorry man but that’s (online) dating for you! It does sound like she’s not interested anymore Try not to take it personally and bear in mind it could be any number of things why she’s no longer interested which might not have anything to do with you!

    But if she’s moved out of town and in 2 months neither of you have found time for a date id politely suggest that maybe you weren’t compatible in the long run anyway? She may not be responding because she may have realised this.

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