My mom started talking about how if I never go anywhere I won’t be able to meet anyone. She’s been talking about how I don’t do anything and I was done with it, so I told her I would rather have no one than end up like my dad and her. They don’t communicate, they barely tolerate each other and they’re just not that happy.

Then she told me she had a lot more fun when she was young. Well, look where that got you though!

When I’m in my room I am always working on my art skills, it’s not like I’m lying in bed 24/7. I wanna leave this country and find a job, which is why I’m even working on these art skills in the first place. I have a job right now in retail so it’s not like I don’t do anything at all either. It’s true that I literally have no one to hang out with after work, but me sitting in my room is me trying to create a better future for myself.

I wish she’d understand that instead of putting me down constantly.

  1. I feel you. I have stayed home a lot of the time for years. While I don’t regret doing so, it did put a damper on things like my social skills, driving, and other crucial skills. It has prevented me from advancing in what I want.

    It’s awesome that you are working on yourself, but honing in on one skill is not a good idea. Art is not typically sustainable. How will you keep yourself afloat should it not turn out the way you had hoped? You should absolutely expose yourself to the outside world in order to know what’s attainable and what isn’t for your future. And knowing how to handle social situations is important for your well-being.

    I wish you the best of luck.

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