Which do you prefer, Chinese or Japanese food?

  1. Both are awesome, in my estimation.

    You actually just made me want to order one of them tonight. Now I need to decide which …

  2. When I ate meat, I liked Chinese food more. Now that I’m vegetarian though I find I have more options when I get Japanese food. Love them both though.

  3. I love good, cheap Chinese take-out food. I actually had some for supper last night.

  4. Generally speaking, Chinese food. Big, inauthentic Americanized Chinese food. 😉

    (Just kiddding, there’s a couple of handpulled-noodle places near me that are really good, too).

    I also have really come to like Korean food (H-Mart FTW.)

  5. Both, but if I had to choose then Chinese. I spent a couple weeks in beijing once and that probably accounts for, like, 5 of the best 10 meals I’ve ever eaten

  6. Americanized-Chinese. Don’t think I’ve had traditional Chinese food before…

    Curious shift in topic, I might add. You have a problem with Chinese food?

  7. I love both. But I’m going Japanese. Though, I may be bias because my grandmother is 100% Okinawan, and can’t cook American food for shit – even boxed stuff, but makes AMAZING Japanese food.

  8. I prefer actual Japanese food to actual Chinese food, but prefer commercialized Chinese food over commercialized Japanese food (like Panda express** im trying to say panda is chinese derived sorry bad english)

  9. I am WAY more used to Chinese food. It’s so common in New England it’s like comfort food.


    I like Japanese food but it’s like “foreign” food to me since I didn’t grow up having it. I love all kinds of ethic foods — I just had pupusas for breakfast yesterday and had Jamaican food this week..

    But Chinese food just, as the kids say, hit different since it feels part of growing up and I’ve probably had it literally 1000 times.

  10. Lived in Japan, been to China four or five times, and I’d have to say Chinese. Much bigger country so a lot more variety, and literally the worst part of living in Japan was the difficulty of finding spicy food.

  11. What the fuck is up with your posting history? I get being anti-China (the government), but this is insane and xenophobic as hell. In the past hour you’ve made like 10 posts about China and even said this about Chinese people:

    >These people eat dogs, bats and rats. These people don’t help each other when one of their own is lying injured after a traffic accident.

  12. Chinese food is really many cuisines. I guess if I had to pick Hong Kong/Cantonese food but I like food in Japan more than other types of Chinese I’ve tried

    Not a huge fan of very Americanized Chinese.

  13. Why not both? There’s so many different varieties on both. Japanese side there’s ramen, sushi, yakiniku, soba, sandos. Chinese has traditional and American style, hand cut noodles, dim sum, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Szechuan.

    Like asking which one is your favorite kid.

  14. Dim sum is my absolute favorite (steamed buns especially!), but I’m general I think I’d lean toward Japanese food. They can both be pretty great though!

  15. Japanese all the way. The flavor and texture just resonates with my soul in a way no other food does. I’ve never had a Japanese dish that I didn’t absolutely love. Chinese is great too, but not like Japanese.

  16. Japanese, but it’s close. Just a fresher, lighter eating experience. I love going to a Japanese restaurant and trying a ton of different things and not feeling like I’m going to explode.

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