I’m dating the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. He’s wonderful, literally everything I’ve ever wanted, and is so incredibly kind. The problem is me; I have a hard time believing he loves me because I feel like he’s out of my league. He makes more money, has a better job, and comes from a better family. I feel like whenever I’m around his friends and family they can just tell I’m not good enough to be in his life, and I have such a hard time believing he really loves me because he’s so much higher than I could ever hope to be. What do I do to help myself feel more secure? We’ve talked about all this but I don’t want to keep talking to him about my insecurities and making him feel bad, I just want to feel worthy of him.

  1. Communication is key and be open about things. Trust each other. If you both really value each other things like this need to be open with each other and you both will support one another.

  2. You have to believe you are worthy of love. Love comes in all sorts of forms and this is yours. It is beautiful. Instead of thinking you are not worth it, practice being grateful for how love showed up in your life. Celebrate it. Express this gratitude towards him in a natural way.

    Do not continue telling him you feel unworthy.

  3. Let me tell you something, no guy would waste their valuable time on someone they dont care about- a guy

    Obviously, use advice with some common sense.

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