How advisable is it to record all female interactions to defend yourself against sexual and violent allegations?

  1. How would you even be able to do that? And someone you have never interacted with can still make a false allegation against you

  2. If you feel youre either be manipulated or being hit etc, record it all. Be smart about it. If youre asking the question, chances are you should start recording.

    Imagine if johnny didnt have evidence.

  3. Cringe question. If you are that concerned, then you should just probably avoid contact that isn’t in a public area.

  4. If you have genuine concern that your being gaslight or set up like you’re in gone girl then go ahead and protect yourself, if you just live a regular life and do no wrong and have no cause for concern then recording every conversation is pretty weird

  5. Literally anyone of any gender would consider this *real* weird. If you’re in a situation that necessitates surveillance, take protective measures.

    But if not, everyone around you is prolly gonna see this as vindictive, regardless of gender. It’s as if you were scrounging for evidence against those with neutral/genuine intentions, seeking needless conflict isn’t gonna get you anywhere. Is this a sociopolitical statement or are you genuinely scared of women?

    It’s a mixed bag, if you’re paranoid then manage in ways that suit you. There are trash people out there regardless of gender.

  6. I would say it’s the same as advising all women to record all interactions with men to defend against being assaulted.

    Some men would say that women exaggerate about the real danger of that.

    Some women would say men exaggerate how often women accuse them of doing something to them.

  7. Whilst I can understand the sentiment behind it, it’s woefully impractical, and rather questionable to attempt this with every interaction you have with a woman.

    If you’re at work, just interact with your female colleagues in an open environment, or a room with a camera if you’re so worried.

    As for your personal life, it’s not advisable mate. You just need to be a good judge of character and be careful who you associate yourself with. Also, someone you don’t know can falsely accuse you so it isn’t a foolproof plan.

  8. Or you could just really commit to learning about consent and practicing healthy boundaries.

  9. I mean… recording people without their knowledge in many settings/ places is illegal… sooo… deeply non-advisable.

    If you believe yourself to be in danger due to an abusive relationship, things definitely shift, however as a general idea it’s terrible.

  10. Record? Seems extreme dude. Don’t do that.

    Just use your head. If you’re alone with a woman without the explicit context of a prior-consented sexual relationship then just very politely move to a place where you’re not alone together. It’s not that hard to CYA. Just be extra diligent at work and school.

  11. I mean, recording people is pretty fucked up, but at this point if I were to get back into dating or hookups, I would keep texts and emails for a while for sure just in case. Might be able to help out if something comes up. Not that it’s overly common, but I’d rather have it than not

  12. In this day and age, it’s actually not a bad idea.

    Hopefully things might improve a little after the Depp trial.

  13. Other than my wife, all interactions I have with women have a paper trail or are otherwise supervised. I’d rather be very careful than letting someone ruin my life, job, or marriage.

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