27F, it’s odd and just unlucky considering most women don’t have to bat an eye when it comes to dating. I’ve been on and off the apps for years, I’ve recently come to point where I just put minimal effort. Minimal as in sending a msg 2-3 days max and swiping on profiles maybe every other week. I’ve spent so much time asking myself what’s wrong with me, even lost and maintained my weight loss over the years and can’t attract a guy I’d want. I get attention and likes but it’s the unrequited/only want hookups/they like me I don’t like them situation. I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with me, I have a low sex drive but that’s more common for women vs men. I find it odd that I couldn’t attract a decent guy where it’s reciprocated and the rest falls into place. Dating apps were my only outlet, I don’t have friends. Atm I’m on hinge, which I’ve heard is one of the better apps. My mom tells me I just haven’t found the right one and maybe that’s the case but can’t help but wonder if there’s more to it? Maybe not

  1. Us men don’t have any luck either. Tinder and other dating apps will have women send us their OF links and snapchats… which is more OF.. The only App I was able to meet someone (but failed miserably) was Coffee Meets Bagel, it was an obscure app but they were legit people and I happened to meet one person from the app.. Although, 10 months later I was told that I’m not her type while looking through Bumble.. She literally scrolled through Bumble as she was rejecting me.. Anyways, that is MY luck summed up

  2. now tell us your experience when you’re outside, socializing face to face with men, or, women

    go out

    can’t speak for women, but as a man going out alone AND being comfortable with it has been very rewarding. I can’t imagine it being THAT different for women

  3. Women don’t have to bat an eye if they want to get laid .. but if they want more then well ….

    Wheb it comes ro relationships … Plenty of guys deaperate to the point of just wanting ANY woman, but no one wants a guy like that

    So you go after guys with female options and to land a guy like that you need to outshine those other women or only get offered casual sex

    Seems like many women struggle on the apps

  4. Hinge is absolutely a cashcow. Your bank account is empty before you know it. I used FB dating to meet my gf. Finding a meaningful relationship is like finding a needle in a haystack.

    The haystack being desperate boys that want to hump your leg and the needle being “the one”

    Happy hunting!

  5. I want to question the “can’t attract a guy I’d want” part of that. Do you mean the only guys you attract are only interested in sex, or that you aren’t interested in the guys who actually want to date you?

    If the former, at least part of the problem might be in the way you present yourself, and you might consider posting an OLD profile review somewhere.

    If the latter, then the problem might be your own standards. Consider what you’re looking for, and consider how dramatically each “must have” cuts down on the male population. Many women I’ve talk to about this think the majority of men fit their criteria, when in reality it’s only a few percent. If your criteria only matches 2% of the male population, and you’re asking for “butterflies” right off the bat on top of that…yeah, you’re probably not going to match.

    My honest advice is…go out with someone who isn’t normally someone you would go for.

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context: i was in my first semester last year (Sep-Dec). i’m in uni. soooo idk where to start…