It is my philosophy that sometimes yeah, you need to double text. Woman have 100 different men in their phone, if you’re waiting on her to initiate because you sent the last text and “anyone who deserves me will give me the attention I deserve” you’ll be waiting forever. I remember a girl I used to hookup with, wanted nothing to do with me in the early stages, by the end of a couple months she wanted a relationship. Idk, but sometimes I think you just need to drop the games, and shoot your fucking shot even if it’s more than once (in the least amount of creepy stalker way as possible) anywase just my two cents.

  1. I disagree. If theres 100 men in her phone, she’s choosing to give more effort elsewhere. Why should you do onto her what she isn’t doing to you? Something something treat people the way you want to be treated.

  2. Double text gets a bad wrap but yeah based on context, sometimes it’s necessary. If the last text you sent didn’t necessarily require a response I think it’s absolutely appropriate to send another text

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