So I just saw a tik tok of an American reminding other Americans to bring their toasters with them on holidays as apparently foreign toasters aren’t wide enough for their needs.

Is this something that Americans actually do? Why would you take something that heavy with you when you go away? How thick is the bread you guys toast?

  1. It’s so that you can toast your socks in the morning,keep your feet warm…

  2. I take my toaster with me everywhere. It’s a member of the family! Are you suggesting I should leave it in a KENNEL while I travel without it?!?!

    Kidding; I don’t even own a toaster.

  3. To answer your questions in order:

    > Why do Americans bring toasters with them on holidays?

    I’ve never done this or heard of anyone doing this.

    > Is this something that Americans actually do?

    We have an insanely large amount of people and I have no doubt at least a few of them have done this.

    > Why would you take something that heavy with you when you go away?

    Most toasters aren’t really that heavy compared to other things that are common to pack.

    > How thick is the bread you guys toast?

    While I can’t answer for everyone, I usually toast a specific brand of sourdough bread.

    Measuring it for you, it’s about 1/2″ thick, 4″ tall, 5 1/4″ wide
    (~ 1.25x10x13 cm)

  4. Everything is too small over there, (toilets, seats, beds, cars, spoons, plates, etc.) but I can’t take the whole house.

  5. According to the animated documentary “The Brave Little Toaster,” toasters are sentient and able to move on their own; so sometimes they join their owners.

  6. No, omg, no. I’ve never heard of toasters being not wide enough in other places before. NO.

  7. Yes, all Americans do this.

    And listen up all you foreign commie bastards. You can have my toaster when you take it from my cold dead hands.

  8. I don’t, I just stop by the local US embassy to use theirs whenever I’m traveling.

    Do you guys jump to conclusions this quickly based off eccentric TikToks from other countries too?

    Like are you thinking they’re bringing their own special bread with these toasters too?

  9. You’ve been trolled, my dude. Or maybe you’re trolling us?!?

    No, that’s not a thing. Most people do not bring kitchen appliances with them while on vacation.

    That said, I do have a toaster with wide slots at home. It’s so that I can toast bagels.

  10. What bizarre videos have you been watching?

    I’ve never heard of anyone from any country, Americans included, bringing their toaster on vacation. Someone’s joking with you dude. You’re getting played for laughs.

    Don’t trust everything (or anything, honestly) that you see on TikTok.

  11. lmfao

    you need a texas-sized toaster to toast your Texas toast, I guess

  12. >Why would you take something that heavy with you when you go away?

    Because you guys have inferior toasters. Why do your toasters suck?

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