Next weekend there’s going to be a really nice festival in a nearby city. I’ve been trying to get a mate of mine (call him Tom) to go with me but he’s been unable to commit (for very reasonable work related reasons)

But it’s looking more and more like he won’t be able to join. If I am forced to go by myself I am not sure I would go. I would get really anxious and nervous to be there alone and see groups of people walking around, meanwhile I’m by myself.

There’s another friend (call her Susie) who spent spring break exploring some cities in Europe for a month. She did it by herself and didn’t have anyone. I was so jealous because I wish I could do that. I even have the money to go on a bit of a holiday but I feel so bad going alone and I don’t know why.

THE REALLY IRONIC PART is that if Tom goes with me. There may come a point where he wants to go sit and eat or stop and talk with friends or leave early, and I’ll feel pressured to follow him and not have fun even though I’d rather be exploring the festival. It’s like I wish I always had a twin handcuffed to me so I could always be with them.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me but I could use some advice. In my day to day life I spend most of it alone or talking to people online so I never have much social experience. I’m not sure if this is FOMO or anxiety or what. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  1. I have nothing to say that will offer any help at the moment but you aren’t alone, I feel this way too.

  2. You know you’ve made it and reached mental peace when you can go to a restaurant alone. It’s the same thing with this. It’s the ultimate challenge.

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