This is a checkpoint. How are you?

  1. Oops I already answered on ask men, but I’m good. Still in the middle of a poop!


    I’m doing okayish, I am kinda fed up with my mom’s attitude she knows I have two major exams in a week and still she just keep on inviting guests over and I can’t concentrate well and then if I won’t score well she’ll give me punishment arghhh

    how are you doingg??

  3. Just turned 30 today! Half of me feeling like I got nothing accomplished other half saying I have a whole other life to live still!

  4. Thank you. I’m all over the place, very overwhelmed but there’s nothing to do about that. How are you?

  5. Good overall, but the back pain is killing me today. I just can’t find a comfortable position 🙁

  6. Thanks for asking OP! I’m feeling ill hence why I’m here, I’m also pregnant and its lonely atm.. so I’m pretty bored!

    Got a ton of tasks to do but noone about to help or liven up the place. Urge to sleep but not sleeping. Boy being preg is a drag!!

    How are you OP?

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