This is a long one. TLDR at the bottom. Changing names incase one of the crazies find this post.

My grandmother Alvy just passed about a week ago. She was the strongest woman I’ve ever known. She was one of the first female detectives in a major city we live in and thus had LOTS OF MONEY. I’m talking fat stacks. During her time as a detective she met my other grandma, Lulu. Being gay back then was super not ok, but they were in love and lived together for a long long time as “best friends”. They never married but they stayed together until about 50 years later when Alvy passed.

Enter Alvys sister, Irene.

I’ve known Irene my whole life, she’s always been kind of uppity, but being young I never thought it was anything more. Now that I’m an adult, I can see how manipulative and down right awful she is. She’s a God loving lady with a husband and a son and loves her grandkids more than anything. After Alvys passing, Alvy left Irene the house that she and Lulu lived in. That house was THE HOUSE. I grew up there, swam every summer, all the get togethers were there, weddings and baby showers and birthdays and my mom and her sisters even have bricks with their names on them from the 80s. And now with Alvy gone, my grandma Lulu has no one to take care of her. So what does Irene do right after her sisters passing? Makes arrangements to sell the house without even wasting one day to mourn. I’m talking she does this the VERY NEXT DAY. The family house is now about to be sold. All the cool vintage things my grandmothers have collected over the years are disappearing and Irene’s pockets are suddenly getting fatter. She won’t let us have even a picture from the house and has her son and husband follow us throughout the house to make sure we take nothing. It’s scary and down right weird.

Onto the title. Lulu falls. She taken by an ambulance to the hospital. Irene tells no one. Until my cousin comes to visit and asks where Lulu went. Irene says she fell and went to the hospital so my cousin calls the hospital Lulu goes to frequently. Everyone knows she goes to that hospital, even the neighbors. My cousin calls, she’s not there. She asks Irene what hospital Lulu is at and all she can say is ” oh I don’t know. Can you take off your shoes, I’ve just had the floors polished.”

It took 8 hours to find Lulu. When we found her, she was bruised badly and could hardly move. We found out that when she fell, she hit her head and lost her memory temporarily, she couldn’t even remember her name. It took us calling multiple hopsitals before we just showed up into hospitals with her ID asking nurses if they had seen Lulu. When we found her, we also found out Irene had given the wrong name for Lulu, she had said her name was Mary. That’s why no one could find her.

After she got back from the hospital, my cousins and I have been coming to visit more, to Irene’s great irritation. Every time we learn that Irene “loses” my grandmothers pills, has the floors waxed daily, misplaces my grandmothers shoes so she won’t have any grip on the floors, and Lulu has even said many times she doesn’t feel safe.

We all fear for my grandmother, and we all think Irene is so money hungry that we honestly wouldn’t put it past her to eventually get more aggressive. But my grandmother has no where else to go, that’s her home. It’s just a theory for now, but the more time goes by, the more “accidents” Lulu keeps having.

TLDR: my late grandmothers sister has been doing things to harm ny other grandma and making it seem like accidents, but it’s becoming more obvious that she has other motives.

  1. Go to the cops and hire a lawyer. Who has your grandmother’s power of attorney? This is sus AF.

  2. Who is in the will?

    Someone needs to stop Irene!!

    Not sure where you live, but get a lawyer to block Irene!!

  3. Ummm why haven’t you gotten a lawyer involved? Inheritance generally goes down way before it goes to siblings. So put on the adult pants and intervene.

  4. Get social services involved and then call a lawyer in that order. Look up elder protections in your area. We actually had to deal with something like this is my family.

    Document. Document. Document.

  5. If your grandmother was a detective then there are almost certainly still police who care about her wife, if you know any of her coworkers you should call them first.

  6. There’s a lot missing here. Why did Alvy leave the house to Irene and not Lulu? Why has no one contacted lawyers on Lulus behalf? Why has no one contacted social services on Lulu’s behalf? Why is Lulu still in the house if Irene is moments away from selling it?


    The moment you found Lulu and discovered that Irene had taken her to a random hospital and then lied about her named you should have alerted the nurses about the oddity and request social services get involved. You should have called the police. Irene tried to lose your grandma in the fucking system after doing god knows what to her! Now Lulu is stuck in a house that’s about to get ripped out from under her and she’s being tormented by this psycho and everyone around her is just wringing there hands wondering what to do instead of DOING SOMETHING. It’s free to call the police. It’s free to call social services. It’s free to call around to lawyers and see who would be willing to help.

    She needs help.

    Quit mucking about before she “accidentally” takes a header down the stairs.

  7. Sigh. This is why actual marriage and wills are so important. If Alvy named Irene in her will as her beneficiary, and left Lulu nothing, well, not having been married Lulu will get nothing from Alvy’s estate.

    Hopefully, Lulu worked throughout her life and has some retirement money + Social Security so you can help her find a safe place to live with her own money.

    It’s very disappointing that Alvy didn’t take care of Lulu in her will, but you need to get a lawyer to protect Lulu as best as possible.

    This makes me very sad.

  8. >But my grandmother has no where else to go, that’s her home.

    That’s not true. Or at least it shouldn’t be. You’re an adult. Arrange somewhere for her to go. Brainstorm with your cousins and gather funding. Find her a place to stay. Get her to live with you temporarily if that’s what it takes. But she absolutely cannot stay where she is right now.

    She has nowhere else to go because apparently her FAMILY isn’t willing to take care of her and you’re just wringing your hands and going “oh no, what can I do, it’s all out of my hands”

    What a load of bullshit. You can do plenty. Start doing it ASAP.

    ETA: How old are you exactly? Either this is fake or you’re barely even an adult. If you are an adult, start acting like one.

  9. Sorry, why can’t your grandmother come and stay with you for safety?
    You need to make a police report, ask for police attendance at the house to collect your grandmothers things. Irene is NOT entitled to the non permanent contents of the house.
    Irene also cannot sell the house until the house has been officially transferred into her name.

    This post is worded in a way that almost makes it sounds like an episode of Poirot. I doubt the authenticity of the situation to be honest.

  10. I think Irene is gaslighting the shit out of you, she might own the house but surely LuLu owns most of the shit inside it just by default of her living there before your grandma died????

  11. The estate needs an executor to step in NOW. They should secure the property, preferably with security (paid for by estate) and deduct anything missing from the allocation to the sister.

    You need to protect Lulu, if you have any friends who are ex-military/police you can trust perhaps pay them to keep an eye on her as a favour.

    This is extremely worrying and you need to order your priorities. Personally I’d help the grandma first as financial problems can always be resolved retroactively through the courts.

    Irene won’t be so smug when she has to surrender her family accounts to the courts and they question all this free cash. Do not warn or try to reason with Irene, treat her as the enemy and protect yourself and family.

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