Men of Reddit, what would you guess the worst part about being a woman is?

  1. Pregnancy, giving a birth and everything related to being a mother.

    I would never agree for this horrible experience.

  2. The constant sexual harassing, everyday misogyny, living in constant fear of getting sexually abused or even murdered in some areas

  3. You’re smaller and weaker than most men. I think men fail to realize how intimidating and threatening they can come off as to women.

  4. my best guesses would be: creepy men, sexual harassment, or being ask your due date when you are not pregnant

  5. Depends on the girl. I have heard having to smile and shut up, not being respected, being weaker to men, not being allowed to own their sexuality.

  6. Being weaker than virtually ever guy they come across.

    Sure, these days you get shat on for being a dude almost constantly even though you personally havent really done anything wrong. But the amount of women who who’ve told me they never feel safe alone is really shocking. It’s quite sad and makes me happy to be a guy some days

  7. Constantly being worried about sexual harassment and potentially dangerous men.

  8. Childbirth and having to deal with a man who is insisting you be positive about it for his sake. Men really have an issue with women’s pain, to the extent that they dismiss it. So many divorces are rooted in how the women were supported (or not supported) through this.

  9. Unwanted advances/attention that isn’t solicited. Never understood how people act that way.

  10. Being made to feel unsafe like all the time.

    Feeling like your reproductive rights can be takin away by the changing winds of governments.

    The unending list of sex based double standards in every culture, religion, and most legal systems ingraining that you are unequal to men.

  11. Having to fear being sexually assaulted 24/7 seems like a traumatizing thing to live with every day.

    Especially now that there’s laws in this country being pushed that’ll force women to carry their rapist’s baby.

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