Ladies who live alone, what do you do with your free time? How do you stay sane if your social life is limited?

  1. I do whatever I want, whenever I want. Living alone is amazing. I enjoy the peace. I watch tv and movies, have some little art projects, read, go to museums, shop, and see friends. But the most important part is that it’s on my terms. That’s freedom right there.

  2. I live alone (w my dog). I’m a musician so I spend a lot of time rehearsing. I go to open jams occasionally and am involved in the local
    music scene, and there are always shows so there’s plenty of opportunities to go out.

  3. I live alone and sometimes I get those feelings. It what helps is to spend time with my kitty cat and dance. I also call my mom when I feel lonely. Or going for walks is great too, and decorating my home and making it a comfy safe and clean place to spend time in really really helps.

  4. I live alone and work graveyard. I’m up when no one else is. I work on hobbies, particularly ones that are time consuming. For me that’s writing. I also like going on walks, I’ll go on multiple hour long walks on a day off (there’s a park by my apartment that’s quite nice at 5am, or even 2am).

    I also practice guitar and read. I must say I am outstandingly bored a lot of the time… And I do miss people. But I get along great with my coworkers so I chat with them when I’m working.

  5. Well I didn’t spend too much time alone (with my daughter really, but my life was work and home only).

    From about July 2021 to Oct 2021, it was just me and her. Nowhere near family anymore and in a totally new state.

    It felt rude not to talk to my old friends actually. But that peace…it’s nice. Even my daughter felt it. She asked for so many “me” days early on, I was surprised.

    No one telling you what to do. No one *expecting* anything out of you, socially anyway. No one expecting you to *be there* or to converse.

    For the most part, that’s more or less the same still. Except now my bf is here and if my daughter needs that emotional connection, he’s there, and I get to keep to myself.

    I don’t think being alone was a bad thing. I think everyone should get to experience it at some point.

  6. To me having a social life is important, so the first thing I did when I moved to a new city about 6 months ago was to make sure to build one. I took tennis lessons, went to a ‘ladies night’ of the local boulder hall, joined a dinner-club, and made a friend on Bumble BFF. Now not everyone I meet is my friend, but I have plenty of options.

    What I do:

    * I read.
    * I have a few creative projects I’m working on.
    * I visit local activities. (Such as the ladies night of the boulder hall, but also a creative workshop or a book reading. It kinda depends on where you live what they have to offer. The book store of my last city had a lot more things going on than the one over here, but the boulder hall over here organises more social nights).
    * I usually sport 3 times a week (bouldering, tennis, and previously dancing lessons or swimming sometimes). For each of those I have people I can ask to join me.
    * I go on hikes, sometimes alone sometimes with others.
    * I visit friends/family/my boyfriend that live further away during weekends.
    * I plan me-dates, where I spend an evening without phone and pay attention to me. Different ways of doing this.

  7. I don’t stay sane. I’m super miserable.

    I play videogames. Watch stuff. Take long walks. I recently started trying to get into drawing. Thankfully I have my dog and that helps.

  8. Alone time is amazing 🙂
    Read, draw, garden, art, video games!

    Find your interests, although it may take a while, and go with them. Enjoy alone time! It’s time where you can be yourself without judgement. Oh, and the peace and quiet is really nice too

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