I need advice. I come from a wealthy family but for some sick reason i struggle with dating accomplished rich men. I ALWAYS blow it because i kinda get in my head about my achievements and i feel under accomplished next to them. I like to be a woman that can hold her own. It’s weird, it’s like i suffer from imposter syndrome even though i own 3 businesses. I really need advice because i do suffer from anxiety and ocd, and maybe these things are stopping me from dating successfully.

I really like this one guy. on and off for years. The issue is his accomplishments are EVERYWHERE because he works in tech and for really big companies like the Oscars, Wells Fargo, NetFlix, Hulu, it’s sickening. He’s most likely behind some of your daily apps. I guess for me, i focus so much on my accomplishments and values, that when i meet a man MORE accomplished than I am it makes me nervous. I feel like i don’t bring much to the table anymore 🤣😭

Anyways, I just want advice on how to overcome this anxiety and how to approach him. We’ve been great friends for years with emotional bondage in between. I want to fully transition into us trying to date. I would like for us to actually give things a shot before really calling it quits. But i don’t know how to soften up a bit? cause i’m a bit defensive. I’ve seen the women he dates, and they are a lot more simple than he is. So i know for him it’s not about accomplishments or looks, etc. But more so about the woman herself and her confidence. I feel very lacking in this category and my anxiety isn’t helpful. Any tricks on how to woo him would be perfect!

  1. You’re a businesswoman, so this should be easy for you to relate. Treat a relationship like a business. Go show why your product (you) is useful to him

  2. I might be flamed for this, but most men don’t want a women who is more accomplished than they are. This is all in your head. Men want women who look good, are supportive, have similar goals and who don’t nag too much.

  3. In relationships it doesn’t matter who brings what to the table and how much, what matters is you both should be able to enjoy it. If you want to woo him just show him you can be there for him when he needs, you can be reason for his smile, you can be the world where he escape and most important he can trust you.

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