I’m a 24 year guy and despite traveling to cool parts of the world and having some crazy life experiences, I’ve never been on a date in my ENTIRE life

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to blame anyone or feel sorry myself – the real reason I never managed to find one was because I’ve had pretty crazy and demanding life obligations with school and work since I was 15

I’m a pretty active guy who goes to the gym 5 times a week, 3 of which I work out with a trainer. I have a degree, a pretty decent corporate job, traveled, and can talk just about anythjng

So with that being said – as a millennial from.the 90s, where does a guy go in this day and age if he wants to meet a girl and what’s the appropriate way to approach someone without offending anyone?

  1. Yea, I had a similar problem when I was younger. Basically you have to approach girls, they will never come to you. But since you got your life figured out, you should be attractive enough to date.

    If you want, you can get a male dating coach, they will teach you a lot of social tricks, how to be charismatic etc.

  2. Just be confident and ask. If you aren’t confident, fake it til you make it.


    I love being asked out. Even if I don’t like the guy, it’s still nice to be asked. I think any girl would feel the same. So when you ask, you’re giving her a compliment.

  3. You can meet women everywhere but the best places in terms of having many girls to approach are mostly pubs, clubs, festivals, concerts etc. You can open with something like “Hi, I saw you and you seemed interesting, my name is xyz.”

    Don’t try to find the coolest topic – just go with something that feels the best atm.

    If you want then I got a lot of support from [reading this guide](https://www.reddit.com/user/SoundFoxstripe/comments/oootgp/how_to_date_any_girl_ebook_free_for_limited_time/) when I got back into the dating game (was in a relationship for a long time.. kinda lucked out with a girl from school but didn’t have any other experiences).

    Helped me a lot in terms of approaching girls and keeping interactions going, flirting, asking for a date etc..

    Good luck 🙂

  4. What the fuck are you waiting for? A hot naked girl to materialize in your living room out of thin air? If you don’t take responsibility for your sex life no one else will.

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