My typical pattern when I get into a conversation is as follows – the other person initiates some conversational topic, and I simply respond with either my opinion of what they say, talk about something related, or ask them a follow up question.

My issue is that when the original topic of conversation ends, and there’s a small silence, I have trouble initiating a new conversational topic. I’m not totally sure what the issue is, but whenever I’m about to initiate a new topic, I always feel like I’m interrupting the silence, or that I’m interrupting the thoughts that are going on in people’s heads, which scares me for some reason. I also feel like what I’m about to say is probably dumb, or that no one cares about it. I usually end up just not saying anything and letting the other person start talking about a new topic or just letting the conversation die.

Because of this issue, most of my conversations with other people revolve around me just listening to them and offering small tidbits of my opinions, but I never really get the chance or feel comfortable with telling my own stories and seeming interesting.

I’ve noticed that when I’m super confident on a particular day, I have no trouble with starting new topics, but on most days, this really hinders my ability to socialize.

Has anyone experienced something similar, and what did you do to improve on this?

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