I have OCD and Aspergers syndrome, and am generally a loner and introvert. I decided to do a year of service with an intentional community this year in part to help overcome this stuff.

So one of my housemates has a good friend from undergrad that we’ve known the whole year, and we consider him a friend too. He’s a super nice and chill guy. So today, some 10\~ months after knowing this guy and having heard a thousand times from my housemate that they met in undergrad, I was talking to them and asked a question about college. They were probably just listening to me, but the looks on their faces when I brought up college were slightly confused, so I found myself blurting out, “you guys went to undergrad together, right?”

Like, duh, of course they did, I knew that, but for a second my social anxiety let me believe that I was somehow mistaken and I asked for reassurance, like I usually do. And now I probably seem incredibly self-absorbed not to know literally the first thing we ever knew about this my housemate and his friend. We just pretended it didn’t happen after that and kept talking but now I’m like… what do I do or say? Can I make this better or am I gonna look like a weird and conceited person forever now?

1 comment
  1. Omg I’m a social butterfly and would have asked the same exact thing, when they acted confused.

    You are overthinking this, dude! Anyone would have!

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