Pretty much topic in title, but, did you used to watch the Oscar telecast and don’t now? Did you watch it then and do you still love it? Or did you never watch it?

Do you go to as many movies as you used to? If you stopped watching the telecast, why? Thanks.

  1. Never have. Just doesn’t interest me.

    The only one I seek out is the opening of the Tony awards. Its usually pretty well done.

  2. The Oscars have always been a wankfest for the Hollywood elite, and their disconnect from quality filmmaking in favor of bribes and nepotism have become much more apparent in recent years.

  3. Never have, never will. Just don’t care about award shows.

    Watching the US/Panama World Cup qualifying match.

  4. No. I can think of much more interesting ways to waste my time. Like… going on reddit… fml

  5. No. Zero interest except possibly to see what scandalous dresses the starlets are wearing

  6. I put more thought into how much peanut butter goes on my pb&j sandwiches than I put into Hollywood awards shows.

  7. I don’t remember ever watching the Oscars, or really any award show. I honestly can’t remember the last time I actually went to see a move in the theater. I feel like it was the Avengers with my mother in law, because she would be quiet for at least a couple of hours. And for whatever reason she actually wanted to go see it.

  8. Awards shows are boring. A bunch of self-absorbed people admiring themselves and inflating their collective excessive sense of importance. I like watching shows (although I prefer longer series to movies), but actors themselves aren’t that interesting to me. They aren’t their characters. And I don’t care who is voted most popular or whatever.

  9. When I was a child, teen, young adult back in the 1970’s or 1980’s, it was absolutely a must watch.

    But, I haven’t watched the actual show in the last decade/decade and a half.

    I still watch clips online of the red carpet and “best moments”.

    But, it’s no longer a must watch event.

  10. I don’t watch award shows. Out of touch Hollywood elites pretending they are like common people all while not doing what they preach we should be doing, then congratulating themselves for it.

  11. Not only do I not watch them, but I honestly don’t know a single movie that is nominated for any award this year. I have not sat down and watched a movie since the beginning of COVID. I am not really sure why that is. I used to love movies but now I find them almost painful to sit through.

  12. Used to watch that stuff years ago. Haven’t cared in probably 20 years now.

  13. I haven’t watched the Oscars since the early 2000s. The last time I remember having the Oscars on was in 2003 or 2004, and it was mostly as background noise. I think I quit watching other major awards shows like the Grammys around the same time.

    I don’t see movies at the theater as much as I used to, partly because of annoying people and partly because very few movies interest me nowadays (too many sequels, prequels, and remakes/re-boots, for one thing).

  14. Watching a bunch of isolated millionaires who never graduated college lecture us unwashed plebs on politics? No thanks.

  15. I don’t really care for award shows. I remember watching with my parents when I was younger, it actually seemed like more of a big deal then.

    I use to go to the movies fairly often until the early 2000s. I remember waiting so long before that for movies to come out on video. Now they seem to be available fairly quickly, even some almost at the same time as going into theaters. I lost interest in going to the theater to see movies at some point and feel like TV shows are more entertaining than movies now. It felt the other way around before that, but TV shows IMO are more pleasant to watch.

  16. No way. I don’t need to watch s bunch of Hollywood elites pat themselves on the backs then make unnecessary political comments

  17. No. I like watching the movies, not the actors patting each other on the back with wads of cash at an awards show.

  18. I would honestly rather watch a soccer game than a bunch of self-important Hollywood jackasses fellate each other and preach about whatever righteous crusade is popular to pretend that they care about this year.

  19. Na and I don’t know anyone who does. Which is kind of funny because considering no watches, it’s basically just a bunch of rich people alone in room handing themselves awards and celebrating over the award they gave themself.

  20. I didn’t realize they were on. I don’t watch or care about any awards show. I used to see them anyway because my mom watched so it was just on but it hasn’t been a thing since I moved out.

  21. I would rather watch the entire 6 hour long Neil Breen 5 film retrospective, twice, while chained naked to a block of dry ice, than watch Hollywood celebrities jerk themselves off at the Oscars while preaching their hive minded milquetoast political opinions.

  22. My wife has them on because she used to work in the industry and still has friends that do, but I haven’t watched a full show since going to a viewing party probably five years ago.

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