How do you deal with or even conquer negative emotions?

  1. I just let them happen, depending on how bad they are. I don’t find trying to control my emotions particularly helpful long term.

  2. I don’t lol. I let them fester till I can get home and take it out on bad guys in video games.

  3. I think it kind of depends on the situation. But general coping strategies for me are:

    * Talk about it with someone close, usually my mother or boyfriend, as a part of processing. (For example: had a really bad day at work).
    * Writing about it as a part of processing (when sad/mad).
    * Try to adjust my thinking process. (Try to view different perspectives, or knowing I am assuming something that I cannot know and try to disprove this assumption).
    * Talk about it with the person I have a problem with. (For example: I’m upset because of something my boyfriend did, I talk to him about why it upsets me and how he views the situations).
    * Meditation (usually when stressed).
    * Seek distraction.
    * Accept that I feel bad, stay at home in acceptance/while crying, and wake up the next day feeling better.

  4. I have to literally tell myself to STOP having the negative thought and thing of an alternative positive thought

  5. I question them. I try to get to the root of why I’m having these negative emotions. Sometimes I get to the root and realize I overreacted.

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