I (22M) have self-esteem problems so I am always surprised when someone who I find attractive reciprocates interest. My immediate reaction is that my eyebrows/forehead start to involuntarily twitch. Not much more to it. It is just inconvenient, because the few times when women seem interested in me, I find something else to distract myself and avert my gaze until my eyebrows calm themselves which is obviously a very ineffective way to convey interest. I am probably a bit off socially which I am not complaining about. I practice what I am not naturally good at. I just don’t know how to stop the eyebrow thing. It’s happened consistently for the past 4 years.

Does anyone else have this problem?
Has anyone figured out a way to make their eyebrows not twitch?

This is not a joke! Lol

  1. Um, surprise isn’t the only reason eyebrows are raised. Interest is another reason (like legit right now see for yourself and pretend someone is telling you a fascinating piece of gossip…). Stop trying to hide your expressions and just live your life dude.

  2. It’s a type of mild tourettes, lot of people get it. I scrunch my nose and move my eyebrows when I’m nervous or even just for no reason

  3. I’d guess it’s anxiety, bud and prob more noticeable to you than to people looking at you 🙂

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