I am not a social person and I guess I have pretty bad social anxiety. I don’t go out much and my therapist says I should do so more for exposure therapy but every time I do I end up in a state of lethargy and depression for 2 or 3 days afterwards. I know that my brain craves social interaction but the stress just doesn’t seem worth it.

  1. I used to have bad social anxiety too; but something my grandfather told me that helped me out was, “ the only person thats going to remember your mistakes are you, and a cheap $5 hooker”

  2. Don’t do it then, not all people are as social as others. I could happily live on my own and never speak to people lol. I don’t use social media apart from reddit. For me as I’ve grown older I don’t really drink and all my friends are big drinkers. Every social interaction with them involves getting pissed. I’d either stay home with my wife and daughter lol

  3. That’s fine. I usually only do one or two social events per week. I could do more if I pushed myself, but don’t really want to.

  4. Exposure therapy helps me but it makes sense that it isn’t for everyone. Maybe you can change the type of activity and baby-step it? Try something barely social that just gets you out of your home, like walking a park trail or hitting up a fast food drive through. Or plan an outing immediately before going to a therapy session so your therapist can help you navigate it as it’s happening.

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