If you have any insight or similar experiences please help!

We both met when we were at our lowest and we grew together.

They however recently started doing this self help journey with manifesting and purging negative thoughts.

Things seems to go a lot better for them so i was encouraging they still asked about me and put clear boundaries as to what they are comfortable with and i respected that.

Last week all of a sudden all they talk about is ”my life is so great” ”i feel amazing” ”look at how cute my relationship is”.

Im happy for them and it didn’t bother me at all until they literally did not ask me ANYTHING about me like at all. And the times i tried to talk about myself they left me on read.

I started being dry because im not gonna be someones after thought when they feel lonely and wanna boost about themselves.

Now that i stopped talking to them because its clear they aren’t interested in talking about anything but themselves they started spamming me with funny vids, anything to start a convo.

Which just irritates me more so i end the conversations and then they started complaining about me not being around and leaving them.

Before i fully give up on this friendship anyone has any idea wth is up with them?

Tldr: my friend started a positive manifesting journey and stopped asking how i am or whats up with me and avoid conversations that isn’t about how ”great their life is”. What would cause someone to seemingly stop caring?

1 comment
  1. Oh my gosh. I always worry that this is me. I feel like either they dont care enough to ask you about yourself or they just have no self awareness about this.

    I usually tend to talk about myself when i dont know how to add to what the other person said. But i know it makes me seem selfish and that i dont care. So i do try to ask about them too though. Try to push more about talking about yourself too, even if they dont ask, and see how it goes.

    Also it could be they are trying to block out what is negative in their life in reality. They may not be realistic with how their life really is. Knowing there is a balance of good and bad in everyones life is something they themselves have to realize.

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