I keep them on separate sides of the drawer, but sorting them when they come out of the wash is a nightmare. I’m tempted to do a “lefts only” wash, but that would involve two separate laundry bins. Surely there’s an easier way!

Thanks in advance.

  1. Put them together, and turn the top of one inside out so they stay together as a pair.

    To be honest, I just assumed that’s what everyone did.

    Edit: **Wait**, are you working on the assumption that one sock is specifically a “left sock” and the other a “right sock”?! Unless you’re buying “toe socks” then they really aren’t!

  2. I don’t, just pick out two sock of the same type and thickness. Don’t really care if they don’t match.

  3. Wait wait wait. Most normal socks do not have a “left” or a “right”, but if you have special socks that do, they will be labelled.

    If you’re ever doing a washing load that isn’t full, you’re doing it wrong.

    *oh right, it’s a joke *whoosh**

  4. I keep the left ones in the same draw as my salmon legs, and the right ones in the same draw as the sparks for my angle grinder. No issues so far.

  5. Having kids this is an endless nightmare of missing socks and ones ending up with the wrong person.
    Can get those socks that have coloured heels for a different day of the week. They’re helpful.
    Or just don’t buy more than one pair that look the same.

    Soon I’m just going to AirTag all our socks and then just use find my sock.

  6. I couldn’t keep up so I ended up chopping off one of my legs to make it easier. No more problems

  7. Okay I have ocd (dear lord pls don’t let me adopt this as a behaviour). I only have specific feet if the socks have pictures on one side, or some times they have been stretched where the big toe is. But otherwise not even I am that fussy.

  8. Stitch a large ‘L’ and ‘R’ into each pair, it’s the only way…

  9. I don’t put my socks in the wash because of this headache, easier to just wear them in the shower

  10. The socks I have (a generic multipack from Matalan) have a subtle little logo stitched into the side, near the top. The left sock has this stitched logo on the left side, the right sock has it on the right side.

    So when I grab a pair of socks, the logo goes on the outside of that leg.

  11. unmatched socks go back in the wash until they come out as a pair. I’m sure there’s a solitary sock that’s been permanently in the wash for years

  12. I only wear white socks on my left foot and black socks on my right foot, so it’s pretty easy.

  13. All my pairs of socks are unique. The idea of my wearing socks that are not from the same original pair is just too icky for words.

  14. At first I thought this was peak trolling but with the earnest answers I don’t know any more.

    Also, it turns out that as I wear each sock on either foot I might be bisocksual

  15. I just attach them to each other by folding the top over the top of the other one then chucking them in the wash, then either they come apart in the was or stay together, either way they are the last to be hung to dry so I pair them up as I place them to dry and once dry attach them again like the beginning.

  16. I leave in the little plastic tag or small stitch that connects them when you buy them…

  17. This reminds me of that Twix ad then ran a few years ago talking about the left and right Twixes… and the girl I dated at the time who genuinely thought you had a right and a left Twix, and got frustrated because she didn’t know how she was supposed to tell the difference…

  18. I live dangerously and wear odd socks and even socks on the wrong feet; Unless you’re taking home a date, who is seriously looking that hard?

  19. Buy socks that have a picture or slogan on one side. Keep that side facing out always

  20. you either buy all identical socks

    or you wear odd socks.

    life is too short for paring socks IMO.

  21. Honestly most of my socks don’t even have an identical partner anymore – I just match them with one that’s the closest colour I can find. My partner used to hide them for a while, waiting for the matching one to go through the wash so he could reunite them before giving them back to me. I ended up with a nearly empty sock drawer before I figured out his dastardly plan!

  22. I have a “tapered” tow shape (big toe is biggest/longest and the rest slope away) so it’s relatively easy for me as there’s a stretched bit that fits me and my big toe perfectly.

  23. Wear them as gloves first. Then look at your hands. The sock on the right hand and the left will go on it. Then foot walk.

  24. OP, I think whoever raised you has played the mother of all pranks on you.

  25. I have one drawer for left socks and one for right socks, like a normal person.

  26. In general I find they recognisably fit better on the correct feet. Usually once a sock has been worn for a bit, if I hold it up, I can see which way it’s supposed to fit because the heel will noticeably distort.

    Most of the time, I base my decision on the pattern though. Logos generally go on the outer side of the sock.

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