Pretty much just the title. Hooked up with a girl last night; next day was removed on instagram and number was blocked. I’m not sure why. We were vibing really well while hanging out, then as soon as we finished it was like a switch was flipped and she became super distant and left really quickly. I wish I knew.

  1. Maybe she was only looking for a ONS. She got what she came for, and then that was it.

  2. Sounds like she didn’t enjoy the sex at all and that can be a deal breaker for many.

  3. Hope you used protection…. I made the mistake of not using one during a date and now I’m paying child support for a kid I don’t get to see. Some women are out there just to get a kid and not worry about a BD hassling them.
    Until they need help…..

  4. A lot of people just want to get laid and not have to deal with anything. It was rude to block you everywhere without telling you her reasoning, but I’ve been in that kind of situation before where I just wanted to have sex without any other expectations.

  5. Sorry that happened to you. It sucks to get ghosted. 😕 Be kind to yourself & do something that will make you happy and then move on. Know that it’s her loss.

  6. First of all, I’m sorry to hear this.

    Then I want to ask you how the sex session went?

    It’s possible she’s a terrible person or even a nice person that is going through shit and entered this impulsively.

    That being said, personally, I only would go to the extremes of ghosting someone and blocking them if the sex was terribly bad and the other party was very pushy, overstepped boundaries, etc.

    I’m not trying to blame you, I don’t know you. I’m just putting ideas out there.

  7. I hate to say it but it sounds like she didn’t enjoy the sex. Were there any signs during sex that she wasn’t into it?

  8. Fates way of telling you that she wasn’t a good match

    Sorry to hear this, it happened to me, someone I was really into, but realistically, in hindsight, wouldn’t have been a good person to date. Fate was just letting me know early on 🙂

  9. That’s wild bro bro. My only concern is maybe she had a secret she didn’t want to tell you. Or the sex was so bad she blocked you. I really don’t understand why people block others sometimes. I believe that any human being can talk about how they feel and relate that in a way to say hey I’m not feeling you. Let’s just be friends or hey I don’t want to talk to you anymore.

  10. You were used. That fucken sucks man. People should be clearer in their intentions.

    And also like… who tf ghosts people?! Fucken Stand up to yourself and just communicate.

    Like it’s such a coward move to ghost someone, especially after sex.

    Like I get if you treated her like shit or were an asshole, but ghosting someone as a form or rejection. Ech.

  11. Either the sex was bad or you were just another conquest. Women hit it and quit it too. At least you fucked her. Take the good time and move on.

    I don’t know enough, but my bet is she broke up with someone relatively recently and she was using you to help get over the void of her ex.

    Or she’s a player.

    Or there is worse options.

  12. Personally, I become tempted to sleep with people but I know how guilty I would feel afterwards and stop myself. I guess I worry because of certain stereotypes regarding women and sex. This could be a factor as to why she blocked you, she may feel guilty especially since you said you both got off.

  13. Dang I’m sorry, OP! Feeling used sucks. Feeling like you might’ve done something wrong and not knowing what sucks too! Is there a way you can reach out and ask her for constructive criticism? That would def be helpful for future endeavors

  14. Sorry that happened OP. Sounds cliche but it really may not have been about you. Maybe she felt guilt or shame for a reason that has nothing to do with you and erased it like it never happened. I just hate you were collateral damage if this was the case.

  15. Either she used you, the sex was bad, or she felt that you overstepped her boundaries. Those are truly the only 3 options.

  16. As a girl I can tell you that this is nothing new and I have experienced it several times, welcome to reality.

    They ghost or are not interested anymore.

  17. She might have been recently single or went through a bad break up. After sleeping she realize she was not ready to move on and felt bad about the situation and wanted to leave quickly to not make things awkward. Even if she did just used you that means she still found you somewhat attractive which still says a lot and many guys out struggling out here just to get a number, don’t sweat it

  18. I know that feeling and it’s definitely not a great one. On my part I had to learn that no one truly owes me anything- as the saying goes “you get what you get, and don’t throw a fit”. You probably will never know her reasons and definitely shouldn’t ask, especially if there is no prior long term relationship. Just sleep on it and know that you will carry on stronger and wiser tomorrow

  19. She hooked up with you quickly, regrets it, and doesn’t want to deal with the emotional baggage of seeing or talking to you or even thinking about you. A mistake happened, and you were it.

    Next time, wait until you know the woman a bit more before you sleep with her.

  20. I’ve noticed that when I disappoint girls in bed they don’t hit me up for round 2. Not saying this is definitely the case for you, but in my experience the satisfied girls don’t ghost me.

  21. Did you guys have sex super fast , im guessing you did.
    .. girls freak out if things go to fast.

  22. Shit happens. You’re not entitled to somebody’s love and affection. Just move on man… You’ll come back stronger.

  23. Sounds like you said or did some weird and creepy shit in her mind, and maybe the sex was awful for her too. Or she has a boyfriend / husband and was cheating. Women, even if they’re only looking for one night stands, don’t typically block dudes within hours of sex unless it’s one or all of these things.

  24. Had similar situations like this happen. The most recent was a women who after sex, thanked me and let me know that she “needed that.” After that she never text or call again. I saw her in a store once and she behaved as if she barely knew me. Turns out she was married. You never know man.

  25. Sorry to read that happened to you. Ghosting like that after sex is just rude and shitty, regardless of it just being a hook up. Even if there was a problem she could have communicated about it, so don’t beat yourself up thinking this is somehow your fault.

  26. As a woman, if I react that way, it means my boundaries were crossed and I really don’t see any future for any form of relationship.

    An enjoyable ONS? I’ll keep the number. You never know.

    Maybe reflect on how the sex went? Did she like it? Did you do stuff she asked you not to? Did you ask her? Did you listen to her?

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