I know I’m a good fighter. When I practice at home or with my friends I win all the time. Because there’s no pressure. But as soon as someone’s mad at me and they wanna fight. I get so nervous and tense up and become weak and forget everything and I end up losing. HOW do I overcome this. I know by constantly fighting eventually I’ll over come this but is there any other way ?

  1. Though I don’t advocate fighting or violence, I recognize some people do this as a sport. So I would suggest perhaps looking into books/video etc on athletic performance. I remember listening to a video series called https://dreddieoconnor.com/resources/psychology-of-performance/ The Psychology of Performance. He talks about picturing that moment and visualizing overcoming it. These psychological techniques help athletes achieve their best performance.

  2. There is a huge difference between fighting as a sport and fighting as a means of solving problems. Just don’t do the latter. Learn how to use your words and work things out maturely, and if the other person can’t, learn how to exit. Solving personal disputes with violence is why the world is so fucked up these days. Don’t be a part of that.

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