So, not to make this a huge long post but in the past 6 months, my boyfriend of 4 years and I have moved into his grandmothers. I know, I know, WHY THE HELL ARENT YOU TWO RENTING YOUR OWN PLACE!? well, you see… I’m incredibly thankful to be able to go back to school full time and this was our best option instead of spending $1400 on rent, plus his grandma has been lonely since the passing of grandpa so that’s fine. Anyways, when we were living alone we would have sex at least every other day. Which of course that slows down cause you know we’re never alone now! Which Hey it’s temporary it’s fine, but now since we moved in I think we have had sex no more then 10 times.

Which because it’s awkward, his grandmother will like listen to the tv at like 4 and sometimes won’t even listen to anything…. Which there was an incident when we were having sex and she heard the lightest squeaking from our old bed frame and she had to come knock on our door to see what it was and if we heard that… Embarassing.

Back to where I’m needing advice I get this is her home and I have nothing but respect for us being able to stay here BUT this woman literally doesn’t enjoy us having alone time. I mean we will plan to go out of town to be alone but then she will find herself making plans with someone so she can come ride with which okay that’s fine!

But the last straw was our anniversary we planned a week get away in the mountains camping and guess who also came….

At this point I mention to my boyfriend that the bond with his grandma is like way to close for me. I’d understand if it was just for this 6 months but looking back on it it’s been the whole relationship he stop and visited her EVERY SINGLE DAY when we did have our own place. I get the feeling of having to feel of taking care of her but am I heartless for thinking it’s just too much? I feel like such a bitch because another example of what sets me off is…. This is going to sound insane but it made me mad!

So, his boss had those oraplex miracle shampoo and conditioner and was talking about what a god sent they are and she has some for whomever to try… what does he do? Comes home and brings them to grandma first this isn’t the only thing that’s happened there are different things that I can’t really think of but I guess it annoys me even after 4 years he still goes to her first


  1. Definitely weird. You need to put your foot down or it will always be like this until she passes.

  2. The fact he brought her on your week-long anniversary trip was the red flag for me. Tell him to ask his friends how many of them would bring their grandmother on a week-long GET-AWAY ANNIVERSARY TRIP and what their girlfriends/wives would think about that. The fact that he thinks that is appropriate is mind-boggling.

  3. I must say, he has gotten way better with it, to the point of where he’s getting annoyed and sick of it too. Which honestly the woman is the kindest soul I’ve ever encountered and that’s why I feel bad for saying anything… but like i almost feel as if she just clings to him since the passing of his grandpa. Which she has never been alone but she also has childeren and grand childeren who live within 2 hours of her… and they stop by every so often but she is completely capable of driving there to visit and stay. They offer it constantly because you know having young kids means being busy so they can’t make the time to come down to visit as much. But she like won’t make plans to go unless we plan to go. I guess my big thing is it’s constantly just always tagging along. You feel bad saying no, I must say im guilty of not putting my foot down to her BUT my boyfriend has and it’s like she doesn’t even hear it she keeps her distance for a day or two then it’s right back to it again. Like for example, my boyfriend and I have been repurposing stuff & we were outside just doing our own thing and then she needed to find something to do outside. Which hey I wouldn’t mention it if it was just like oh on occasion but she will like just come outside to make sure she can have an eye on us 😅 I literally don’t get it.

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