I’m a 21 year old guy who has never been in a bar. I think I’m a confident and sociable person and I don’t feel nervous talking to girls. The problem is I have moderate acne scars that occurred due to bad acne from the past and I feel sometimes I’m being treated differently by girls because of it? I feel insecure to go to a bar as a result of my acne scars because I feel like a teenager with them and I feel like if I approach a girl at a bar she would not be interested since I have acne scars? Am I overthinking ?

  1. You gauge her interest first by exchanging looks. If it’s lukewarm or even frightened, you abort your mission, stat. If she seems welcoming, you come over, introduce yourself and initiate a friendly conversation. Do not touch her or make vulgar remarks. Show interest, be genuine and make her feel safe. Keep it short and sweet and regardless of whether she wants to exchange phone numbers, be respectful of her time and space. Never over stay your welcome.

  2. What i have found that works. Make your way to the bar, and try your best to start conversation as if you are a very friendly guy. Dont just talk to her, but talk to everyone if able. Ask her about her drink, tell her you need to try it after she tells you how good it is. Dont be afraid to walk away. Gauge her interest. If she isnt looking at you but rather looks uncomfortable, walk away. You can always reengage a bit later. Just be conversational and enjoy being out. Bar approaching works better with a wingman.

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