A few days ago I went out to a bar for the first time in forever because I saw a flyer that they were playing a specific type of music I enjoy. I haven’t spent much time in bars and I was by myself so I was a little uncomfy at first but after a few drinks I settled in nicely. At one point a group of women walked in and posted up next to me to order some drinks. They appeared to be regulars as the bartender knew them. After they ordered they decided to move to somewhere else in the bar, but as they were leaving one of the women sorta backhanded me in the shoulder in a way that seemed pretty intentional. It wasn’t hard or malicious or anything like that, but it did strike me as odd. A little while later the same woman who did that came back up to order another drink. Once she got her drink and started back towards her friends, she palmed the back of my head and sorta pushed it around for a few seconds. It was almost in a big brother sorta way. She went back to her friends and I never saw her again after that. I didn’t talk to or even squarely look at this group of people, I was just in my own little world drinking and listening to the music.
I guess my question is what the hell was all that about? It didn’t necessarily bother me at the time, but I did find it very strange and it’s still on my mind a few days later. It’s generally not socially acceptable to just touch on people like that as far as I know. I admittedly may have felt a little threatened if it were a man who was doing it, but from this women I just felt confused and a tad bit uncomfortable. Is it normal for people to prod each other like that at the bar? Is she just a weirdo? Am I a weirdo?

  1. That is not normal. If the roles were reversed, she would be screaming sexual harassment and misogyny. Technically speaking, any unwanted touching is battery and she could be cited/charged with a misdemeanor.

    That’s the oddest thing I have ever heard and I personally would have called her out on her behavior.

  2. This is odd. Maybe she wanted to you to talk to her? I don’t agree with her method but it seems like she wanted you to notice her or something

  3. You should have asked the bartender to interpret what was happening.

    If you had done that to her, you’d probably be in jail by now.

  4. How old did the group of females look? How old are you? You don’t have to be specific, but a general age range for all of you guys.

  5. No it’s weird af behaviour. How drunk was she? People do dumb shit when they’re drunk. But you’re deffo not the weirdo.

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