The other night my boyfriend of 9 years came home late from a night out drinking. He was the one to initiate at first. I ended up on top and honestly I felt it was the most sensual, passionate, loving time we’d ever had together. I was just orgasm-ing again and again, many times… which does not happen for me, normally it is just the once. We were going for a long time, like 2 hours. It was so slow and intense, I was just focusing on how amazing it felt and thinking there’s no way that he can’t feel me climaxing each time, and how good that must feel for him too.

So there I was thinking we’ve had this amazing game changing experience together. But the next day he brings it up, laughing and confessing he fell asleep at some point and only woke up when I hopped off. Which was when we then changed positions and he finished.

I feel so stupid because I had no idea. I was shocked and honestly felt hurt but he insisted it’s a funny situation. I asked him how he’d feel if he was in my place, he said he’d understand if it was really late and I was tired and had been drinking. I do understand but it’s hard not to take personally. A part of me is still hurt and I just feel so so dumb that I was thinking it would be a boost to his ego that he made me orgasm so many times but actually he was not into it at all.

  1. I don’t think he was not into it at all, he was out drinking and he came home late. He was into it, just alcohol, a depressant, had other plans for him.

  2. It somewhat happened to me before… my gf went on top of me while I was asleep and I just woke when she had her orgasm… she was a bit mad that I didnt wake up quickly and added what if therewere others who did that to me…

  3. Alcohol makes me super sleepy and tired. Can’t say i would pass out mid-sex, but I get it

  4. If anything it is disappointing but at least that shows his sleeping subconscious was able to stay aroused for you and that’s why he thinks it’s funny you didn’t even notice he was sleeping so he must’ve been at least dreaming of you lol but ya I’d say only have drunk sex if you can agree it will be pleasurable for both at that point but also the next day :/

  5. I don’t think you should feel bad about it. He was very likely enjoying it too. Tiredness and alcohol just had other plans for him. I bet he’s happy you enjoyed yourself.

  6. I have moderate to severe sleep apnea. When someone is sleep deprived, the body will “steal sleep” and you can experience “micro sleeps”.
    The sleep deprived person has no control over these events, they can happen while you’re driving or while you’re sitting quietly. I once had the experience of falling asleep while receiving oral from a girlfriend. She was enraged, of course I get her reaction. I explained that I had absolutely no control over what happened, it was the result of my medical condition, no reflection on her at all. It could be that your boyfriend has untreated sleep apnea. Also, throw alcohol into the mix, and it would make the issue worse. Just my 2 cents for what it’s worth.

  7. How did you not notice him fall asleep though? Did you never look down at him? I am so confused

  8. He was hard for, like 2 hours, while drunk and tired. He was definitely into it!

  9. Don’t argue about it; ask him to recreate that experience and tell him it was amazing.

    What’s wonderful about it is knowing that you can make yourself come repeatedly if he lets you focus on that.

    The booze might’ve actually been useful in letting him last longer.

  10. Well it’s story time, several years in military and got insomnia and add, so got prescribed medication to cope. Developed a few side effects… worst being memory loss and blacking out. So early in marriage I get told by wife about how wild the night before was… zero memory… few months later happen again… but this open up some new kinks… cause I guess I did things more aggressively that she liked and we add… now we have great sex more often than not, especially all these years later growing a family and what not… I would take what u learned and apply it to future sessions…things like maybe not heavily drinking late and going at it.. or in my case take meds after sex…one time knocked me clean out mid sex, I was on top nearly headbutted my wife

  11. I truly do understand why you are so upset. But alcohol makes most people sleepy. I wouldn’t worry about it.

  12. Sounds like you sexed the life out of him…

    Depending on something’s I get hit with extreme sleepiness after ejaculating. I always try to get my wife off first at least once but once I finish And if she’s the one taking the lead, my arms feel so heavy it’s hard to lift them up lol

  13. This man was literally falling asleep he was so tired and he still had sex and made you cum a bunch of times but you’re bitching about it lmaoooo

  14. He was just tired. Haven’t you ever had sex because you really want to do it with your partner but you’re just so tired?

    He loves you, it’s not a big deal. Your feelings are understandable but him being tired doesn’t take anything from the experience.

    Also truth is, women cum faster on top and if the guy just stays there. You know your body and how to touch the right places. Another day when he is awake, test this theory out and you’ll see. You’ll cum as much as you want. I’m not saying it will be the same experience but test it out.

  15. How long was he actually asleep for? If you were going for two hours, he must have been awake for most of that, right? Surely you would have noticed him not moving or making eye contact or not moving his hands or anything for 2 hours? I could see you not noticing for something like 5-10 minutes if you were riding him slowly and were really in the zone… but I doubt he was asleep for 2 hours.

  16. If it helps, my gf says I have sex insomnia and just randomly instigate and have sex at night with her and when I wake up I have no recollection of it. Sometimes I come into consciousness mid session. Feel like you shouldn’t take it personally and just hope it happens again to enjoy yourself hahaha

  17. Riding him for 2 hours, girlllll I ride mine for 10 minutes and I lose my breath and start to sweat, tell me the secret 😂

  18. I don’t understand people that don’t communicate during sex, how do you go 2 hours without a check in at all. How do you go 2 hours without looking in your partners face to see if they’re enjoying it, in pain, or asleep?

    He can’t control when he passes out from drinking but it sounds like you were still in a lot of control and you failed to do even a basic check in while being the one on top.

  19. Happened to me actually, me and my ex went out for a night of drinking and on our way to her house we smoked some weed also. Once we got there we fucked for maybe 45 mins and I came. After that she gave me a bj for maybe 15 to 20 mins and I came again. She was a giver and she kept sucking me for another 15 mins before I knocked out before I knew it and woke up 20 mins later to her still sucking me and I was still Hard! She looked at me and said I knew you were sleeping but I’m not stopping til you make me lol and I came one more time before I stopped her.

  20. My wife has passed out on me after a night of too much wine, and I think it’s hilarious. When you’re with someone that long you gotta let those things roll off your back.

  21. I mean he is cool with it. However, if my partner keeps having sex with me while I’m asleep, I would feel bad they keep touching me while I’m not fully aware

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