Like, what kind of questions should i Expect?

I currently work at B and Q and have done so for about 8 months now. I applied for this apprenticeship because I have always wanted to earn money while I work towards a qualification with a guaranteed job at the end of the 4 years with the company.

  1. If they ask ‘where do you see yourself in ten years time?’ don’t say ‘doing your wife’.

  2. They’ll usually expect you to have done some research on the company, . . ask why you want to be a mechanic and your current work experience . . So try think of some examples of times you’ve had to help a customer, solve a difficult customer situation . . Things like that are typical interview questions. Good Luck!

  3. Find out A LOT about the company.. go read its website, learn about its products and services, look on Linked in to see what sort of jobs they advertise and what sort of things they ask for in employees. Get curious about them and think up some questions about how the company is developing. Think through some tricky situations you have been in (difficult customers or challenging things outside work) so you have some examples If they ask you for examples of where you have solved problems etc. Good luck 🙂 hope it goes well.

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