Like, condition is good, kinda new tyres.runs almost smooth. And you’re close to 60k miles on your vehicle. Do you wanna trade while you can go get a good deal and get a new car ? Or use it until you can’t anymore and then get a new one?

  1. I feel like I got good use out of a car when it hits 200,000 miles. That’s when I start shopping for a new one.

  2. Depends on if its the wife’s car or mine.

    Hers, at around 80k.

    Mine, drive it till the repairs exceed the value of the vehicle. Her 2020 pathfinder has 49k miles and she’s already talking about a new one.

    Meanwhile my F150 has a little over 390k and my 06 envoy just hit 170k. I’ll sell the envoy this year but the cost of 4wd long bed trucks that aren’t 99% computer is north of 10k. Short or a total wreck, ill keep doing repairs.

    I DID almost pull the trigger on a 69 F100 that was cherry for 25k…but then it would be a toy where I would whine about scratches and dirt, so I talked myself out of it.

    I was raised poor and learned the value of pragmatism as it applies to vehicles 🙂 Sure I could swing 60k for a 2022 dodge 2500, but why would I…my pickup is good for another million miles 🙂

  3. Lmfao. I consider changing cars when the engine drops out the bottom, it catches fire, or the transmission disintegrates, and not a single meter before. I can’t afford a new car, even with a trade in, so it’s this one or I’m walking.

  4. I don’t take great care of my car, so I’d say I start looking for a new one at about 175,000ish miles with the expectation that it won’t make it to 200,000. But for someone who takes care of their car, I’d say they can comfortably get it to 200,000.

  5. My family usually replaces cars when the wheels fall off. We’ve had multiple vehicles that got over 350,000 miles.

  6. There really isn’t a set number, although after 200k all bets are sort of off.

  7. My last five cars came close to or excited 300k (that just under 483k kilometers, for our metric friends)
    That being said. My current car has about 150k on it now. I think I’ll only keep it to 200. I need something with rear seat ac (I live in Phoenix)

  8. I don’t really think of it in terms of mileage. My current car has about 60k on it and is in good shape, but I’ll probably get a larger car if we have a second kid. Otherwise, I’ll probably keep it until I don’t trust it to start up and run when I need it.

  9. Once it’s no longer meeting my needs, or when I no longer have confidence in its reliability. My last car (which was my first adult car purchase) was bought new, and I kept it for a bit over 150,000 miles. My current car is only at about 40,000, but it may need to be replaced within the next couple of years to support changing family needs.

  10. Don’t even think about it before 100k. Sometime between 100k and 200k is usually when I get a new one.

    I pay cash for cars whenever possible, which means that when I buy is determined by when my new car fund can cover the carcthat I want to buy.

  11. My car has a little over 111,000 miles on it, and it still runs fine, so I’m not planning to get rid of it anytime soon. I’m hoping it makes it to at least 200,000 miles, at which point I would consider getting a newer (not brand new) one. A couple of tires do need to be replaced, though.

  12. I don’t really pay attention to mileage. My current car is 15 years old and only has 95,000 miles but I’m considering getting a new one.

  13. To me, a car is used to get from point A to point B. Like others have said, I will get a different car when mine doesn’t work safely anymore or it costs more to fix than get a different one

  14. I prefer to drive a paid off car that isn’t worth getting full coverage insurance on. I consider switching when so many systems on the car are worn out that it’s annoys me and fixing them would cost the worth of the car many times over. I see buying a new car as completely financially irresponsible.

  15. The average mileage on the cars my family has right now is about 120,000. Though, we are looking to get rid of my dad’s old car, since he got it to 353,353 miles, it’s pretty much dead now. But getting rid of that one will drop the average a lot. My car is a bit over 200,000 and we’re thinking it’s about time to replace since it’s got electrical issues.

    So yeah, my family just drives them until the repairs are more than the value of the car, not really a specific mileage, but not leasing a new car every few years

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