I am probably in one. We do not call it that, because I am just disgusted with the term. I wish this term never existed. How do you introduce that person that becomes f*cking significant in your life? He is the friend that I’m doing? It reduces everything to sex, when is suppose to be much more. How it can be a *friendship* when all the things you are doing are all the things that you don’t do with your friends, that you reserve only for your SO? ( kissing, holding hands, touching, dating, sex etc). And aren’t all relationship suppose to be based on friendships? Who is dating someone that does not consider their partner their friend? Is the first requirement in any relationship.

I guess I just don’t understand the difference between dating and Fwb, and it’s messing with my mind because now I am second guessing any potential romantic interaction. If it’s so much like a fwb, what makes a relationship, well, a relationship after all? Especially when so many relationships are so less happy and commited and emotionally involved. For me this term manages to cheapen both the concept of friendship and of relationship.

So I hate it, I wish this concept never existed, and I don’t want in my life to be stuck in this kind of situation. If there was another term, that can just mean we are casual dating, or we are dating but not fully committed or something like that. But there isn’t, just this mostrosity of a term, fwb.

  1. I have never done anything like hand holding and the likes with someone I considered FWB. All we do is have sex and then I go back home. That is how you draw the line because in a relationship I actually do things with my SO like live with them, go out and do activities, go on dates, stuff like that.

    Whereas a FWB is just sex and we’re friends.

  2. I recently had someone describe it to me is that FWBs aren’t “dating” because, in his opinion, he doesn’t idealize a future with that person.

  3. I never liked the term or even the idea of it. It complicates things and makes boundaries that were once pretty clear, significantly more blurry. I’ll never fool myself into this situation.

  4. You’re dating. If he won’t even call it “dating” or “seeing each other” then he’s too scared to deserve your time. Doesn’t mean he’s a bad person. Just toss him back into the sea until he grows a bigger fin.

  5. This is as much your fault as it is his. You are an adult. You willingly chose to pursue this guy, knowing he didn’t want to commit to a relationship.

    Regardless of whatever excuse you want to use for going ahead with being FWBs, you accepted his terms and now you want someone to blame.

    Everyone knows the risks of pursuing a strictly sexual, non-exclusive “relationship:” Someone always catches feelings. Now, you have and you hate him and yourself for putting your emotions under his control. It’s time to break it off. He doesn’t want to date you, he only wants sex. The quicker you understand that, the easier it will be to cut ties. Good luck.

  6. There is a difference between FWB’s and dating. Sounds like you are dating this person. So say that. “We’re dating casually.”

    If you don’t like a term, don’t think it fits, then don’t use it.

    People don’t date their FWB’s. They are friends in public and the benefits are private. Maybe a friend or two know about the benefits part, but in public people will see two friends because there is no outward evidence to the sex.

    If you hold hands in public, you’re not FWB.

  7. As far as a difference goes, you date someone because you’re considering a future with that person that surpasses a casual relationship.

    As for FwB, it’s mainly just sex. You’re friends who casually bang each other, knowing that if one of you starts actually dating someone else, the thing between you is off. I do agree tht the term makes it sound like the main thing is sex- but it’s because it’s what happens.

    From what you described, it sounds more to me like you guys are casually dating, not just FwB. If you were, you wouldn’t have dates or hold hands- you would just hang out and have sex- sometimes not even in that order.

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