Something that attracted me a lot was that at our first date, we ended up at his place to continue drink and talk (I’m from Canada and there’s time restriction on alcohol). I started to feel like kissing him, but he stopped me saying he really wanted it too, but when him and I are sober.

At first, I was confused because it never happened before. Guys would even encourage me to drink to get their way. After I passed the little frustration of not getting much physical, I just enjoyed cuddling him all night long.

He’s from a Japanese traditional farmer family, so he grew up in deep country sides until he traveled in Montreal. So it’s just his common sense and I thought it was so sexy and respectful! It became my standard.

We are married for five years and he still not having sex with me if we have a little too much of alcohol. If something happens and I end up single again, I won’t ever go further in a relationship where someone tries to engage sexual intercourses while intoxicated. This is the minimum respect I deserve.

Sorry for my English it’s not my native language.

We do have sex with alcohol, but he doesn’t find attractive when the effect of alcohol takes over my mind.

1 comment
  1. It’s usually a good idea to avoid making important decisions when drinking. I just recently quit drinking and I highly recommend it.

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